Who are your teachers?

I have had so many great teachers who have helped me on my path. And when I had my children, I knew that they would teach me and I would teach them.

And they are fast becoming my greatest teachers.

I am learning so much about myself and remembering things that I had forgotten from when I was a child.

Just this week witnessing Maxim, I was reminded of two very important ways of being in life.

First, the boys have started to play street hockey with the kids in our neighborhood.

Boys Playing

They are all very nice boys. One day there was a new boy who was visiting (a cousin of one of the kids) and he was very out of alignment. He was using words that none of us appreciated around our children. And one of the older boys, Shaquil, was easily influenced by this new kid and started using that language as well. Our nanny, whom we call Nana, told the boy on several occasions to stop that language or the game would end. Since they did not stop and we are all about consequences, she stopped the game and had the boys go inside.

The very next day when Shaquil came over to play with the boys Maxim told him, “Shaquil, I will play with you, but I did not appreciate your language yesterday. I don’t want to play with that type of language again.”


He is not even five yet! Here he was speaking his truth. Here he was saying what was a “no” for him! He was establishing his boundaries AT FOUR YEARS OLD!


I felt so proud in that moment.

The second thing that he showed me was no matter what the emotion, process!

We were driving about an hour away from where we live so that Frederic could test drive a Ferrari and a Lamborghini for his birthday.

Happy Birthday, Fred!

All of a sudden Maxim says, “I miss home.” And he started to cry.

It wasn’t a cry to get attention. He truly felt sad that he missed his home and felt his sadness and processed it. Within a minute he wiped his tears away and he was joyful again.

For me, it was such a beautiful reminder that emotions come up all day, every day. And as a small child he was able to feel what he was feeling, process the energy of the emotion, and then release it.

It’s that simple.

It’s that easy.

There was no extra story or meaning. There was no justification. There was no judgment whether he “should” or “should not” be feeling that way. He just missed his house, felt sad, and processed.


I certainly was not encouraged to process my emotions when I was young. As a matter of fact, I was told to stop crying and that “there is no reason to cry.” So receiving that message, I learned to cut off from my emotions and myself. And I am still relearning to process what comes up, and how to work through feeling the energy of my emotions in a clean way like Maxim showed me.

What emotions were you not allowed to feel?

What messages did you receive about expressing emotions?

Are you still giving yourself those messages?

It’s time to return to that easy and simple process that we naturally knew how to do—to process the energy of our emotions.

As always, in this newsletter, there are teleseminars, resources, affirmations, and meditations to help you on your journey to empowerment.

Have an amazing month and know that you deserve everything you desire and more!

Imagine and enjoy,

“Your outer reality is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.”

Family Fun!

Water Fun!

Donating Proceeds from The Art of Having It All

We had our floors done and needed to sleep in the playroom.

Goofball Island!