Here it is…

As promised, I put together a video for you to share with you my process of channeling, which I prefer to call “guiding” and how this will also help support you.

Channeling, or what I called “receiving guidance” is a way of communicating with any consciousness that is not in human form by allowing that consciousness to express itself through the channel or receiver (that’s me).

There are many ways of receiving this guidance.

On one level there is the intuitive guidance that tells us to go one way instead of another. It communicated to call someone, or to take a certain action. We all have this ability.

For me I share the story of how this happened and evolved over time in the video below.

Click Here to learn more and register for the next Healing Event!

If you would like to receive this guidance from The Council you are welcome to join us for one of the Healing Events coming up in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The next event in February 23rd and you can attend in person or on the livestream.


All our love,
Christy & The Council of Light

P.S. This is such an amazing gift that I am receiving and I have seen so many people either in one-on-one sessions or group workshops receive amazing physical (headaches, cancer, fibromyalgia, hip/shoulder/back pain) emotional (anger, fear, doubt, frustration, etc.) and mental (problem thinking and lack focus) healings. Are you next?

This experience was life changing. I am feeling so light and happy. I had a beautiful plane ride home into a gorgeous sunset, even our pilot commented on how extra stunning it was. This morning I “stumbled” onto your first video with Fredrick which I watched and enjoyed, and underneath your video was a video of Abraham Hicks 😮😃 about using the first “17 seconds” in the morning to feel into a high vibration state and I realized that this morning when I woke, I had done just that, reveled in the peace and joy and clarity I felt in my power center after the healing I experienced with The Council.

I think, feel, know I’ve been given the gift of “re-set” and I feel so very very grateful to you, to The Council, to the Universe. In gratitude,

-Susan Stratton