You can be your higher self all the time. All you need to do is to think of your higher self and request for that connection to be strengthened. Connect with all the things that you’ve known yourself to be – all the successes and the failures – and come from that place of that deeper knowing of who you are and being your higher self as Christy invites you to do the “being your higher self” meditation as part of a five-part series on the different types of meditations.

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Being Your Higher Self Meditation

I’m going to be doing a five-part series for these shows on different meditations that I have given my clients through the Facebook Live Quantum Success group. This one is called Being Your Higher Self. It will help you connect with a different part of you, not just to know yourself as the personality part of you that has the conditions, the upbringing, all the successes, all the failures, all the things you’ve known yourself to be. To come from that place of that deeper knowing of who you are and being your higher self, I invite you to close your eyes and enjoy this meditation. Take a nice deep breath in and let it out. For this one, I recommend that you sit up because we are going to be connecting with our higher selves. If you can sit down instead of lying down for this meditation so that your spine is straight up and down as you are bringing in light, that would be great. Take another deep breath in, let it out. Find that comfortable position that allows you to feel relaxed. Have your spine upright, your arms at your side and your legs on the floor.

Take another deep breath in. As you do, surround yourself with light. Calling light to you until you are bathed in a radiant, glowing light. You’re relaxing deep within. As you relax even more, pay attention to your breathing. Putting your shoulders in a position allows your chest to be open. Start to feel that sense of confidence within you. Your heart is open and expanded, imagining your heart opening and becoming ready to receive the energy of your higher self. Begin to relax your body, putting awareness on your feet. Feel your connection to the earth and relax your feet, with your intention to do so, asking your body to let go and relax. Relaxing your legs, adjusting your legs that you are feeling comfortable and the energy can freely flow through your legs. Adjusting your thighs and hips so that you’re comfortable and relaxed so your energy may flow up and down your spine. You might imagine each vertebra of your spine lining up one stacked on top of the other, adding light in between each vertebra and a clear flow of energy up your spine. Imagine you’re creating lines of light throughout your body, lines that surround and connect all the cells, all the atoms so that you’re building a body that can hold and contain more light.

Take another deep breath in and let it out. With each breath, you are bringing in high refined energy. Breathe a full breath into your upper chest. You may even want to put your hand on your upper chest and feel your breath expanding your chest each time you breathe. Go ahead and do this several times. As you do, imagine more light coming in. As you breathe out, you’re breathing out energy you do not want. Notice as you do this, you may want to adjust the back of your head and neck so that more energy can come in and through in that area. Adjust your posture relaxing even more, letting your arms and your hands relax. Your neck is relaxed. The muscles around your eyes and your jaw are relaxing, your energy’s flowing. It’s smooth, it’s harmonious and it’s flowing throughout your body. You’re a beautiful high energy and you’re going upward. Imagine lifting upward into a higher state of consciousness and your energy is coming together at a very deep level.

Your thoughts are clear. You’re calm and relaxed. You’re harmonizing all of your energies, mental or emotional or physical energies are flowing and harmonized. As they become harmonized, you’re awakening your spiritual body and creating around you a spiritual shimmer that is you, a shimmer of your higher self. As you do that, you are taking on a high fine vibration of clarity and harmony that allows you to be your higher self. Noticing your breathing into your upper chest, practice breathing into your upper chest a few times expanding and opening your heart as you do. Breathe into your abdomen several times. Feel the energy moving in this area rather than your upper chest with your diaphragm. Feel your belly breathing, moving up and down. Breathe into your upper chest and your abdomen together, taking a full breath and letting it out. Do this a couple of times. You’re allowing your breath in, your life force into your body. You’re using your breath to go higher.

You stop throughout and take a few deep breaths in, letting more energy flow into your body. You are now ready to meet and merge with your higher self. Start by imagining that many high beings are joining you and you were sitting around in a circle with them. They’re all sitting around you. Imagine that you are in the center of a circle of all these high beings. You are being surrounded in light. This is a special moment seeing all the beings surrounding you, supporting you, loving you and sending you light. As this happens, you’re going to meet your higher self. Off in the distance is a glowing light that is approaching you. This is your higher self. You can imagine your higher self looking any way that you choose that comes to you in your mind. As your higher self approaches you, you can feel the love radiating from this amazing, magnificent being. This is the love that your higher self has for you, embracing you with love.

Your higher self is always radiating love and unconditional love for you and open to receive it. Open your heart, breathe it in. Feel it coming in just as you would have breath into your body. Your higher self is the wise, all-knowing life force part of you and knows who you are and why you’re here. It works in the world of the essence beyond form. As you become your higher self, you will realize that you have a much greater being, a much greater awareness than just your physical senses. Imagine that your higher self is standing right in front of you. You are meeting your higher self. Sit for a moment and greet your higher self. Feel it’s love and let it come closer to you. As you do, let your higher self adjust your energy in ways that will assist you in becoming and merging with your higher self. It’s like your physical body can take on and resonate with that higher vibration. Feel the lines of light coming to you from your higher self.

As these lines of light touch you, your vibration increases. All of your energies become balanced, flowing, harmonious. You’re breathing lifts you higher. Your emotions are calm, clearly reflecting the higher planes of reality in your mind and your emotions. Your higher self is making all of your energy patterns more beautiful. They’re becoming more radiant, more sparkling and more full of light. Feel your higher self embracing you with love and light. We’re going to go ahead and get ready to merge with your higher self. The higher beings who are sitting around you are sending you energy to make this merging more complete and to make it easier. Your higher self is beginning to merge, merging the molecules and atoms of its body with your body. Allow yourself to visualize your higher self coming either through the top of your head or physically moving into your body to becoming one. It’s beginning to stimulate your atoms and molecules to a higher frequency. Letting yourself merge as if you’re reclaiming a part of yourself, becoming whole and complete. The merging is continuing and all the high beings around you are sending you energy and love. Let this merging be as complete as possible.

I know that every time you do this merging, you will have even deeper and even more parts of your brain and mine will awaken. The right amount of light that’s perfect for you are being broadcast to you is being held in your physical body. Allow your higher self to adjust your posture so that you’re sitting as your higher self. I’m speaking to you as your higher self. You and your higher self are one. As your higher self, adjust your posture and your breathing to allow a greater flow of energy and light in your body. Adjust your shoulders to reflect wisdom and confidence. Feel your heart, the heart of your higher self. What facial expressions do you use as your higher self? You are the wise master, a source of wisdom. You have all the answers for you inside of yourself and you’re going to give yourself advice as your higher self. You as your higher self are a wise teacher and consultant. You may want to speak out loud as your higher self if you’re able to do that as I ask you questions. You may want to receive the answers mentally and write them down. We’re going to start asking you questions and allow whatever comes into your mind as trusting. It’s a new skill set and a new way.

Trusting whatever comes in and whatever medium, if you need to speak it out loud to yourself, write it down, and feel free to do so. As your higher self, give yourself advice on what is the most important thing you are doing with your life for your higher purpose. What would you, as your higher self, like to put even more attention on to create even more of in your life that is your higher purpose? To what would you like to put more attention on and create more of in your life that is in alignment with your higher purpose? As your higher self, what are you doing that is adding the most light to your life and the life of others? How might you increase the amount of light that you add to the world and your own life? If there’s a situation in your life that you’d like guidance about as your higher self, the wise and all knowing, give yourself advice on this situation. If some of the answers are not coming to you now, know that they will as you’re walking about your day, even in your dreams. It could be vacuuming and having this stream of consciousness. You could be doing something and all of a sudden, you’ve received an insight, an impulse. You can receive a picture. When you start asking and getting in the receptive mode, you will receive the answer.

As your higher self, are there any other messages that you’d like to give yourself to give your everyday self? Do so now and feel yourself growing lighter and lighter as your higher self continues to merge with you. Thank your higher self for this opportunity. Feel the newness of this relationship. Feel the completeness of who you are. You have the ability to be your higher self all the time. All you need to do is to think of your higher self and request that connection is strengthened. I’m going to ask that you start to take it gently and easily come back into the room as you come back as your higher self, living the rest of now as your higher self. Coming back gently and easily. I’m going to give you your affirmation for now. My higher vision is becoming clearer. I know who I am. For some of you who might not have received any information from your higher self but know that as you continue to repeat the affirmation in your mind and your heart and your power center. A higher vision is becoming clearer. It must be so. I know who I am. Have a wonderful, amazing day. Thanks so much.

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