On this episode of The Quantum Success Show, Christy shares the story of how her wonderful husband, Frederic, and she manifested a huge desire of hers – to take an amazing dream trip to Paris and enjoy shopping, croissants and rock ‘n roll, and to have Frederic plan the whole trip. Watch and find out how they did it and how you can make your dreams come true, too!

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How I Manifested My Dream Trip

I wanted to share a personal manifestation with you. A couple of years ago, I was seeing the Eiffel Tower everywhere I went, whether it was in a bathroom at my hair salon or a little Eiffel Tower at a bakery. Everything kept showing me the Eiffel Tower. I decided I’ve never been to Paris and how beautiful would that be to go to Paris with my husband who happens to be French. I told him one of my deepest desires was to go with him to Paris and to have him create the entire trip. All I wanted to do was go shopping at Chanel and eat croissants. I wanted him to plan the rest of it. I wanted to take you through the steps of what happened to manifest literally probably one of the best weeks of my life. I am having the time of my life.

First of all, I created a vision board. I had a picture created of Frederic and myself superimposed on a picture I found on the internet in front of the Eiffel Tower. I posted that in my house in Arizona and at my house in Montreal. I would look at it all the time and I even shared it with a bunch of the coaches that attended the Quantum Success in Business a couple of years ago. I showed them the picture and that this is what I envisioned. When I started to think about the possibility of going to Paris, I had some resistance. The conditions in mine and Frederic’s life did not support the vision that I had. Where he would be the one taking me to Paris and planning everything and I came along for the ride. I could tell by doing this work for a long time that I was having some resistance. The belief or the thought process that I had was based on the current conditions that we had and we all have them. I wouldn’t be going to Paris anytime soon.

I looked at what are our options? When you feel you’re in lack of any kind, it’s because you look, you perceive that there’s only one way and it’s a bad way or the wrong way or there is no way. We started looking at what are the possibilities. We decided that Frederic would design the entire trip and I would take care of it financially. That felt really good for both of us. We let it go. About a couple of weeks later, I got asked to speak in Milan. When speaking to Frederic about it, I said, “Why don’t we tack on the trip in the front part of going to Paris before we go to Milan?” The creation started to become a reality. He started to plan it in deciding what would be the best day to leave. How many days we would want to stay and the places that we would want to stay at and where we would want to go. As we were moving along the planning stage, we realized that we were leaving on a flight on our ten-year anniversary. We made it our anniversary trip.

Weeks before we were taking the trip, the Milan speaking engagement fell through, but we decided to still go to Paris. During this time, we had other obstacles that happened. The nanny that had been with us for several years, she resigned and it was time to move on. I didn’t have anybody to watch the boys who I loved and trusted. We’re thinking, “Who could we ask?” Both my cousin, Sophia, who watches the boys and Evelyn Apostolou, who is the godmother of Maxim, both of them couldn’t do it. I said to my husband, “What about Theresa? They know and love Theresa. Theresa knows and loves them.” He said, “She’s got her own family. We can’t ask her to leave her family so that we could go on a trip to Paris and Milan.” I told Theresa what had happened, how my nanny had resigned and she volunteered. I didn’t even have to ask her. The next thing I knew, she had cleared it with her husband and her kids and she was going to be coming to Montreal to watch the boys. Because Milan fell through, it no longer was a longer trip, it was shorter and the trip was all about being with my husband.

We flew first class to Paris. We’re upgraded to this amazing hotel room. I said to Frederic, “I would love to see the Eiffel Tower from my room.” Living totally in the place of allowing, living in the place of total fun. Before we even got to Paris, we were at a Joan Jett concert. I had heard days before we went to the Joan Jett concert that The Rolling Stones were going to be playing in Europe and that they were doing a European tour. We’re literally minutes before Joan Jett is about to come on stage and we’re looking and we see that The Rolling Stones are in fact in Paris on the days that we had already planned to go to Paris. My husband surprised me and got us great tickets for The Rolling Stones, to see one of their last tours. We got to go see The Rolling Stones. My husband was trying to be Mick Jagger the rest of the evening and dancing around like him.

We got to go to castles and Versailles and we got to go shopping. I literally had the time of my life. I feel like I’m a completely changed person. I’m in such gratitude and appreciation of this whole process of manifestation. I wanted to emphasize that whenever you have a desire within you, don’t deny your desires. Allow yourself to have them. The thing is when you have your desires and then you feel any type of resistance come up, ask yourself. Is the perspective or the belief that you’re holding that’s constricting you? That’s a belief. It’s a perspective. If you look for the other options if you look for what’s possible.

As Karen Wilson used to say, “Look for at least nine options for every given situation.” What could you look at? What perspective could you hold that would make you feel expansive? If I would’ve kept holding the perspective of, “It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen in the next decade or so. How’s that going to even possibly happen?” I wouldn’t have created. I wouldn’t have had this amazing, miraculous experience that I had. I knew feeling what I felt, feeling that restriction and feeling that constriction that I needed to change my perspective or at least look for other options. That’s always the key to manifestation. Manifesting anything you desire.

I am in the middle of one of my most amazing manifestations, being able to literally see the Eiffel Tower. Being able to enjoy this amazing room, this amazing time with my husband, having a romantic time, enjoying The Rolling Stones, enjoying beautiful castles and wonderful food. Going shopping and Paris fashion and doing the things I love, rock and roll and fashion. Two of my favorite and things I’m passionate about. I encourage you that whatever you have as a desire in your life, don’t shrink your desires.

Don’t tell yourself you can’t have them or give yourself justification why you can’t have them. Find out the reason you were restricting. What belief are you holding? What perspective are you holding? That’s what needs to shift because we are meant to live the life that we love. You and your life are unlimited. When you align with that divine inside of you that is always saying, “Yes, that’s my desire.” Go forth and expand into that. Feel the passion of life moving through you. That’s when life gets good and juicy. I hope you’ve enjoyed this show. Have an amazing day. Remember, you deserve to have your desires fulfilled. Thanks so much. Leave me a comment. Have a good day.


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