Spend 60 Minutes With Christy & The Council To Release Your Blocks To Well-Being, Abundance, Success, and Love.
Join Christy & The Council as they take you through processes to create more ease and flow in your energy, physical, emotional, and mental bodies so you can thrive and feel good in every aspect of your life.
Replays for individual Light Shifts are made available to you in your membership library.
The monthly Quantum Lights Shifts are now part of The Energy Vortex.
Join The Energy Vortex as an Ascend Member to receive the monthly Quantum Light Shift(s), and MUCH more! ( The Energy Vortex membership can be month to month or get two free months with an annual membership. You can easily cancel your Energy Vortex membership with at least 2 business days notice.)
September 20th 10-11am PT / 1-2pm ET The Power of Self-Love
Are you ready to connect in real-time in a loving and supportive community as you go higher and deeper with spiritual messengers of Light? Look no further. This is for you.
All Discover Member Benefits PLUS:
Christy & The Council’s PRIVATE Energy Vortex Online Community ASCEND Level
Watch Your Words Continuation – Days 11-30
Quarterly Q&A with Christy & The Council
Pre-Recorded Monthly Meditation
Monthly Quantum Light Shifts (live with replay included)
BONUS: 30 Days of QS Meditations Replay Series
BONUS: Drama To Love Video 30-Day Series (receive on day 30)
Surprises and Delights
VALUE: $1,387
(Energy Vortex memberships can be month to month or receive two free months with an annual membership. You have the option to easily cancel your Energy Vortex membership with at least 2 business days notice.)
September 20th 10-11am PT / 1-2pm ET The Power of Self-Love
September 20th 10-11am PT / 1-2pm ET The Power of Self-Love
October 25th 10-11am PT / 1-2pm ET Creating Balance, Stability, and Constancy
November 15th 9-10 am PT /12-1pm ET Opening to Receive
December 13th 9-10 am PT /12-1pm ET Increasing Your Self-Worth and Self-Esteem
“Today’s healings (Quantum Light Shifts) were MOST profound!! A huge thank you to The Council for this process.
I can feel the ENERGY shift from the hairs, on the top of my head, all the way to the tips of my toes. Divine Empowerment and self-empowerment greatly expanded. Divine Inspiration flow-channel opened wider. My soul and my body feel like they are aglow with radiant Well-Being.”
– Karen
“Worry has always been a part of my vibration but until recently I did not realize How much it was affecting me.
After spending an hour with Christy and the Council and learning some amazing techniques to release worry, I feel calm and relaxed and I know I can clear my energy field any time I feel any worry coming up.
I highly recommend working with Christy and the Council, I am in such a better place emotionally and physically and plan on continuing my light work with them.”
– Lurenna
“After following the « Releasing Worry class », I feel more joyful, my heart is lighter and my emotions quieter.
It is as if anxiety tries to come in, but doesn’t really take my inner space. Anxiety is far less strong than before. When I see myself in the Future, I have nice and positive thoughts in my mind. The very old and resistant anxiety has faded away. I still have to be attentive to my way of thinking and shift if necessary. Thank you so much Christy and the Council of Light for your guidance and healing.”
– Anne
“I notice a shift in consciousness around worrying and fear. It is still a work in progress, but I feel more calm inside.
Two days ago I met a deep and big fear, and was able to release it by asking for help and using the purple flame and remembering “love always wins”.
I’ve also used the “button” in the back of my head to release the pain in my back/neck.
There is SO much wisdom in what Christy and the Council shared, in this call and in the YTS call, and it has given me answers and tools to make big changes in my journey. I will listen to the replay again and again, as it is giving me deeper wisdom every time.”
– Liv
“I had been worrying about my employment situation since my company was acquired by another company twice our size.
The possibility of losing my job after the merger in October has been a constant thought.
After the Releasing Worry session with Christy and The Council this past weekend, I have had two delightful days at the office. No longer was I concerned about remaining employed. I am now concerned with sharing kindness and helping others. I am grateful for the release. Thank you!”
– Samantha
“I have had fewer moments of worry, after realizing that this puts my awareness on negative feelings.
I am more in the present.”
– Sue
“I am so grateful to Christy and the Council.
Got exactly what I wanted, to feel calm in Powercenter.”
– Annea
“This was a very powerful meditation! I felt a lot of energy moving and shifting during the experience.
This is the first Quantum shift I have participated in although I have been meditating with Christy and the Council of Light since 2018.
I became aware that one of the internal vices that I had was constant worry when I first participated in the vice freedom program. Worry was connected to unprocessed fear and often kept me up at night.
The habit of worry kept me from being in the present and I was often operating from traumas of the past that were being projected into the future.
I am so grateful for Christy and the council. I feel so much more freedom and like I can make better decisions now that I am not in a constant state of fear and worry. I feel more grounded and peaceful. Thank you!”
– Anna
“I attended the Quantum Light Shift ‘Releasing Worry’ on February 18th. Yesterday I decided to go out to pick-up some groceries around [12:15]PM.
Two blocks into the walk, I remembered I had a zoom training call at 1PM that I wanted to attend in-person. I started to analyze how I could enjoy my walk in the sunshine, shop and back in 45 minutes. Or maybe I could walk home now and shop later.
I was reminded ‘not to worry’. I stopped thinking about the time crunch and carried on walking and shopping. I arrived home, taking off my winter coat and boots, I looked at the time. It was [12:59]PM. Smiling, my heart filled with love and appreciation, I logged onto my computer, opened zoom and participated in the training session, without missing a beat.
I love this new me, a me who doesn’t worry.”
– Diane
“I am extremely grateful to Christy and the Council for such an amazing awesome fantastic experience which I am continuing to breathe even after days following this session.
Christy and Council’s continued support and connectedness by sharing of other tools such as the ‘I am’ statements is a cherry on the top, constantly pushing me into even deeper states of bliss. The Council guided me to the ‘field of gratitude’ where the ‘I am’ consciousness (my true self) and the trillions of cells that make up my body, all communed to an eternal ‘thank you’ and continued to vibrate and resonate in that frequency. This paved path to the ‘Void’ of ‘pure potentiality’ where the ‘I am’ consciousness opened up the mind to conceive and conceptualize the various plentiful highest potentials ahead of me, showering light, love and bliss. Gratitude!!”
– Tarang
“I rent, so if anything breaks or stops working, management is responsible for fixing it. When my washing machine broke (with a full load in it) I was upset, angry, and worried when I found out it would be more than a week before someone could come to look at it.
The man who arrived an hour and a half after he was scheduled said it needed a part that he would have to order–another delay. Another few days went by. and I received an email saying the part had arrived and he would show up SIX DAYS LATER to install it, and to clear out the entire room where the washer and dryer were located. This was a storage room with two sets of stacked storage bins in it. This is a small one-bedroom apartment; where was I going to put all that stuff?
I used up all the available space on the floor of the living room/dining room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom, and I was able to wash the floor of the storage room for the first time in several years. It was during this cleaning/sorting phase that I decided to stop being angry, resentful, and worried and started feeling grateful that I had been given a chance to clean that room. Then it hit me–I really wasn’t angry any more! I was able to greet the repairman graciously and thank him for allowing me enough time to clear out the room. He then told me he needed the extra space because he had to remove the entire shell of the machine to access the innards. I would not have been able to let go of the anger and worry even a few months ago. Thank you, Christy and the Council.”
– Sue
“It’s been 4 days since the Release anxiety experience. I was, not surprisingly, meeting a lot of old ghosts in the session, and I feel like my body is still working it out. I will also listen to the replay.
I have been working with these issues for a long time, in a similar way, but not really been able to clear the deep parts. Working with the Council, and having their guidance, makes it easier and safer to be with the feeling. The importance of compassion and to go to “what do I desire” has also become much clearer to me.”
– Liv
“The shift I experienced after participating in the Releasing Anxiety Quantum Light Shift was exactly that – a shift from feeling stuck and tense into ease and lightness.
Like I could take a deeper breath. These sessions have helped me awaken into attention and awareness, to reveal then release, to bring to light in order to bring in light.
Thank you Christy and the Council for creating a safe and sacred space in which I can see it to shift it.”
– Zahra
“ Hello beautiful souls.
Every single healing was extremely profound for me, but freedom from stress, releasing worry and fear and neutrality of 3D is the most visible for me right now, I am completely different person than I was before January- my first quantum light shift.
Instead of reacting to a person, place or circumstances I’m now finally responding. My life became so much more enjoyable. I have shifted from suicidal to a person who can’t wait for each month, excited about another spectacular shift.
I’m so grateful and honored to be a part of this amazing community.
I cannot thank you enough Christy &the Council, I love you.”
– Natalia
“Thank you, Christy and Council. I felt tears during the session and a release from the fear of relationship issues I’ve been experiencing.
Your talk about your inner beliefs of using up your success and how you turned this around, has helped me reframe my inner voice of lack.
All of my gratitude,”
– Jill
“For most of my long life, I’ve experienced an underlying fear and anxiety that seemed to have no logical explanation. Over the time I’ve worked with your processes as well as the sharing you provided about your experiences in life and how we have imprints from our early childhoods.
As I spent more time with these wonderful times with you and the Council, as well as accessing meditations where I seemed to continue the process of removing those feelings of guilt and responsibility that did not belong to me, I could begin to understand how to ask for these awarenesses to become visible, and hence to be removed.
I could not have any pre-appreciation for the ease and relief as I was able to ask that I be shown what had happened, and within 24 hours my cousin was posting on Facebook the memory from her life with her mom that basically revealed the beginning of the story. Instantly, I knew that it was the clue I had been searching for all my life. I could feel the relief, the feeling of being liberated from that previous guilt, fear and lack of trust to begin to realize that many goals I’d had earlier and had given up on, or dismissed as not important, I could now see as being fully developed, and sort of ‘up and running’ and so much liberated physical and mental energy.
My entire life story and purpose for my life have been shifted, my aging process reversed, and so much understanding of how we age, why we believe that we have no choice, and truly know that we have a choice and the means to choose what we want. My friends, my clients, and family are commenting on my attitude and appearance, especially my memory and de-aging.”
– Aileen
“I use the tools Council gives to help me stay center in Light when contrast happens.
I am able to shift back into Light faster and easier. I start seeing how contrast helps me to feel what I prefer, providing more clarity for what I desire.
Thank you Christy and The Council for your Light and guidance.”
– Wai
“Shifts noticed are I drop out of my head into my heart and listen. If anxiety or worry is present or comes up, I work to pivot or understand where it is coming from.
I then work to stay focused to use my tools to process that underlying energy. As I keep my focus, all seems to flow but when I look outside of myself, with thoughts carrying me, I seem to float off track or get out of alignment, this triggers me to get back “on track” aligned with my true self…a Light be-ing in training. I am supported by the Divine and most of all supported by the Universe.”
– Kathy
“I felt a bit lighter after the experiencing the releasing Anxiety session, but I still struggle with the feeling of anxiety.
I know it takes work – practice so I am continuing to work on it.”
– Debra
“I had a very brief chance encounter with a beautiful young man. His Inner Light was truly palpable.
I drank in his expression of love and joy, asking Council for my essence to shine that brightly. This 1 minute exchange felt so expansive like I was floating on love. This was just a few hours after the Quantum Light session. Normally, I would have not recognized this as a soul exchange. It’s 3 days later and I still feel fabulous, despite a significant financial upset.”
– Teresa
“I have always been a positive person. With enrollment in Quantum Energy Mastery, I have felt a fun shift. I feel lighter & have more confidence.
I asked my partner how my energy feels & he said I am Lighter. I also can feel that my Soul has a great sense of humor & find myself laughing more. Last week, before the Light Shift, I declared my belief in my Prosperity & Abundance. After the Light Shift, I went to the mailbox & found a check for a refund of overpayment of property taxes (over $2,600) that occurred 7 years ago during a real estate transaction. I roared with laughter! What a fun surprise ~ thank you, Universe! I feel the support of The Council & Spirit. And I am grateful beyond words ~ another fun frequency. Thank you, Christy, The Council & the QEM team for all that you do. I appreciate all of you & I give thanks that I am a blessing to you!”
– Vicki
“Thank you Christy and the Council – since this Quantum Light Shift session – I have had increased awareness of what I need to release.
I believe what is within me needed to come up in order to come out. I am truly grateful for the powerful process that is facilitating my healing.”
– Zahra
“Thank you Christy and the Council, I received your Renewal and Regeneration Quantum light shift on the reply, I tried to make it live and something came up.
I followed a thought of disappointment that I might not receive the highest of the energy on the replay… And then a smile and an acknowledgement to my adorable mind that yes that may be the case and yet something in me knew And wow! The more I do the work with Christy and the council the deeper it goes the more open I become to the feeling and the shifts of energy going on right inside of me when I’m fully engaged…. I love it. I actually can’t get enough of it.. I’ve already signed up for 30 days of the Freedom meditations. I’m so grateful to be a part of this community.”
– Jane
“During the discussion with the council, I realized ( maybe subconsciously?) That I was probably very restricted/sheltered as a child and restricted in my body as well.
During the channeling portion of the class with the council, I realized that restriction was at least somewhat lifted and I knew somehow just where to look, my breathing got remarkably better! I have had it along as I can remember, all my life, but after your session with the council, I have noticed in a large way that my breathing is notably better! I tested out my ability to run and how long I could run without wheezing, well, it was much farther than I ever guessed I could !! My legs were actually was just getting tired, but no wheezing! Totally remarkable!! I will do it again soon, and see if I can improve upon it. I can’t say my asthma has gone away 100%, but let’s say more than 75%! Pretty amazing!”
– Amanda
“All I can say is WOW!! My block was around relationships.
While being guided by Council I could totally feel the shift take place! I am now more at peace and confident as to moving forward in all my relationships. Very powerful process!
– Kathy
“I have noticed a huge shift, I have finally solved the riddle that has been on my mind for a really long time now.
I hope my intuition will open even more and I will be able to connect to my guides on a daily basis. Thank you!
– Natalia
“I believe I am being guided to take part in this healing session and as it so happens the fee is within my affordable budget.
I am easily hooked into negative thoughts. After the healing session, I noticed while I encounter issues, I can shift to positivity and love with ease. Receiving messages telling me what are the blockages ready to release.
Past experiences remind me I do not deserve or am not good enough, thus, I just live under “enough and not to ask for more”. After the healing, I gradually opened up to more love and choices. (I love fresh flowers and a variety of food, places appear to me with reasonable selling prices after the healing).
Thank you Christy and Council for the healing.
– Wai
“I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was 18. I never had any symptoms for 45 years. The first part of July I noticed spots on both my calves.
Within a week I was covered head to toe with itchy spots. After 3 weeks I made a dermatology appointment. She told me I had Guttate psoriasis. She offered me several treatment options all of which had terrible side effects. I refused them. Instead I came home and took everything out of my diet that was not natural or that had sugar or carbs. I’ve been eating very healthy for the last few years but there were still some things I needed to cut out. I wasn’t getting worse but I wasn’t getting better. I attended the healing on Aug 20. Withing several days I noticed that the spots were beginning to disappear. Now 5 days after the healing 99% of my spots are gone. The itching has stopped and my skin is no longer cracking open. I had been feeling like I had things I needed to purge from my body before I broke out. I guess my body got rid of the toxins in it’s own way. Thank you Christy and The Council for helping me purge the toxins out of my body.
– Kathy
“I am more aware of my thoughts.
– Jill
“I realized we are all pure potential.
I’ve seen myself doing things I thought I’d never do due to finances, I’ve seen myself winning the lottery and being in Maldives on holidays. I finally was happy not doing my corporate job and it made me feel so super good and happy as I never have been before. I am so peaceful now, calm and happy.
Big thank you to Christy and the Council!”
– Natalia
“I am feeling calmer and more expansive.
I feel a sense of excitement or anticipation for things to come.
– Josie
“Freedom from stress is what I got to actually experience.
The Council is truly masterful in gently lifting us up and out of stain and tension and into a state of ease and grace the place from where the highest solutions can be realized.
Thank you Christy & the Council, ZD”
– Zahra
“Christy, I’ve done many of our Light Shifts, and I’ve loved them all.
This time I was conscious of such an incredible change, and although I needed to stay present with the shifts, I could and the changes I felt within my entire being, my physical, emotional, much wider field, each of my energy centers, and I could feel what wasn’t needed, going down the grounding cord. I’m really keen to do this one again, the Council and I are clearly making enormous progress. Many thanks, and YIPPEEEEE!!! Such a gift.
– Aileen
“I loved this event. It’s the first time I’ve participated.
I can’t wait to do more, and to listen again. My mood has shifted to be more optimistic and lighter.
– Lisa
“A day before the QLS, I was listening to the I Am statement. I feel so sad when I hear I am worthy, I am deserving.
I dive into this emotion and notice deep inside I was against it. Your reality is evidence there is no change, nobody comes to help you. After the QLS, I started to be aware that guidance can be everywhere, from anyone. Not so attached to feeling contrast. Now I can easily let go of contrast and shift back into feeling good. I used to grasp tightly onto money. Now I can spend money more comfortably, almost daily I find a penny everywhere. Apart from money, I have abundance of freedom, energy, support and guess what I just saw 4:44pm when I am writing this abundance sharing.
Thank you Christy and The Council for your guidance and support helping me to be more allowing, trust and open to receive.”
– Wai
“As I continue to participate in the Quantum Light Shifts, I am becoming more and more able to shift myself.
As a result of these sessions, I now notice when I am in lack and limitation and know how to shift myself to experience more love, light and possibility in each moment.
Thank you Christy and the Council.”
– Zahara
“ Just right after the quantum light shift.
I had a period of challenge and it was just so amazing to see myself responding not reacting, setting boundaries and also sending healing energies to people and animals around me, this was so beautiful! Thank you Christy for being the channel for the Council <3 so grateful for you!”
– Natalia
“I noticed myself avoiding success in terms of the word itself or feeling. During the healing, the Council has brought up a lot of things.“
I realized having the belief Success was not easy to attain, label myself as failure. With the support from the Council, the pain is easy to let go. Now when some past memories come out, instead of judging myself or others, I see myself embrace the past to give me the clarity of what I prefer. I started changing the definition of success, let success be the norm in my life. This is the first year I have bought myself a gift to allow myself to feel good and pleasure. I am so grateful for Christy and The Council.
Thank you so much.”
– Wai
“I’m so grateful for this experience.
I is like my body vibrates on another level. It is a feeling of being connected to myself and to the universe. It is so powerful! Thank you!
– Matilde
“Stepping on to your highest path with the Council was extraordinary.
A true demonstration of a path of light, we each have our own true path. Experiencing this light shift with the Council has expanded my awareness of how much much more is available and awaits us.
– Zahra
“Listening to the Authentic Self Quantum Light shift meditation on my walk today was so fabulous!
When the Council asked to think of our limited self as a creature in a cage, a bear cub instantly appeared! She was sad, lonely, depressed.
Here’s my shift without blaming! I understood my parents discipline, boundaries, and communication as limiting. I allowed it to squash my authenticity. I always felt a vibrant, silly, joyful child under the surface but unwelcome.
I allowed that self limiting belief into my adulthood. Finding a partner with similar limitations. It was “safe.”
As my bear cub self slipped into the love pool and shed decades of guilt and shame I saw her swimming to my side! I was free! And so was she!! We parted ways forever in the stadium cutting the cords that held us entwined.
I feel renewed! My expectations are void of the “shield of shame” keeping me from true enjoyment! No more trepidation!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I am blessed in light!”
– Tina
“I have been experiencing joy in places where I was distressed or would be sad and angry.
This is new, a very calm presence has been more present in my life over the last week.”
– Michael
“After the healing, I realize I have made the decision that my authentic self is not lovable, not acceptable.
By this realization and much compassion, I start feeling connection with the Self. When I feel not lovable and want to be like others. I give myself permission to be who I am, the fear of not being loved is much less. Feeling connected, Self-love, being taken care of and safe.
Thank you Christy and The Council.”
– Wai
“Since the incredible Quality Quantum Light Shift on Intuition.
I definitely feel more aware of the little nudges, the gentle divine promptings to act. It feels marvelous to move this way in the world.
Thank you Christy and The Council”
– Zahra
“Wow! Wow! Wow! There was a reason why I was supposed to listen to the replay vs attending live. Divine timing. On Saturday, April 16 I attended the Quantum Healing session.
The Council gifted me by working directly with me answering my request for the healing of my shoulder. I unexpectedly received additional healing in the areas of my thyroid, pelvic floor, and so much more. That Saturday after the healing, I had an out of body experience. My body convulsed and realigned. The body shift was real. I knew I needed to continue to do “the work/play” regarding my healing. On April 19, I changed my thyroid medication as I’m working with a functional medicine doctor who took me off of synthetic medication and created a compound, especially for me. That Tuesday morning, I was feeling fatigued. My thyroid was having to adjust to the new medicine. All I wanted to do was sleep. It was the beginning of my workday. I thought… what do I need to do to increase my energy as I need some extra help and healing? I had this calling to check my email. What was waiting for me was the replay for the Renewal and Regeneration Light Shift. I immediately listened to the session. I get goosebumps thinking about how I felt after the meditation. I was at peace, calm, energized, renewed and regenerated. The synchronicities and blessings have been mind blowing. Everything is aligning in the right divine order and timing. I’m so grateful and blessed to have attracted Christy and The Council. I’m excited and look forward to creating a life filled with surprises and delights. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My life is forever changed and filled with Divine Light and Infinite Love.”
– Noreen
“I feel happier and more harmonious in life. There is still contrast or things do not happen as I think of.
Instead of feeling unhappy with it, I notice I accept what it is, see this as a blessing and have loving thoughts about it “this happens for my good, let’s follow”.
More trust in myself. I was brought up where I was used to being wrong. I dare not do something out of normal in order to feel safe. After this healing. I started to listen to myself in small little things. Things just turn out nicely in front of me. Thank you Christy and The Council.”
– Wai
“As I grow through this life I am learning that this first born has taken life too seriously and literally.
While walking the other day, after listening to the Dissolving Imperfections QLS, I was starting to shame myself for wasting so much of my guides and angels’ time caring for me with little or no results. Within moments an awareness came to me…
- There is no time in the upper realms of spirits, so nothing is wasted.
- They do everything because they love me, nothing else.
- There are no expectations from my guides when I request something. Regardless of my perception of growth from my request they know I’ve grown just by my asking.
- Regardless of what I asked, how I responded, and how I grew, I know I have infinite love and they would gladly do what I ask even if it was for the 100th time. (Lordy, please let me figure it well before then )
Through the process of releasing, all contrast can be seen differently.
I am forever grateful to all in my Stadium, Christy, the team, and the Council.
Love and light,
– Tina
“Before the workshop, I was working on manifesting a positive outcome for an issue I was dealing with.
I heard you give a caller on Coast to Coast a technique to clear blockages in a chakra. I was practicing that and believe I had cleared it. Joining your seminar helped to reinforce that clearing.
By the way, I achieved the positive outcome I was manifesting!
Thanks for the work you do!”
Love & Light,
– Maggie
“This is incredible because my shift started before the class. By just deciding that I really must do this theme.
I asked to win this quantum light shift and I asked the Council to help me win it as I really needed to do it, Council must’ve known as well how much I needed this because I won!!! By being my authentic self and admitting how much I need to do it, I won! I also noticed that now, more than ever, I am ready to create boundaries and to no longer be a people’s pleaser, but for the most- I am finally capable of being true to myself, which is the biggest win of all!!!
Thank you,
Christy and the Council.
– Natalia
“It’s been 10 years that I’ve been in Christy’s community starting with QSCA in 2014 which I graduated and wanted more.
I’ve been in so many different configurations with Christy and since 2017 with Christy and the council and my life is full of light, my relationships with everyone in my life is full of connections and love. Over the years I’ve released and shifted in so many little ways, little ones at first and now big shifts in the feelings of energy, like living in JOY, I can take action in any given moment and be in the Joy or any other higher vibration of goodness. I’ve learned so much my whole perspective on my life has changed. I love my outlook of mine and all the people in my life. It is so much kinder. I see how we are all doing our best and we are all here for each other and I’m happy. Yes I am Happy. Just saying the words I am Happy brings me Joy because they are so true. So if there is an inkling of a yes to work with Christy go with it your life will change in the most miraculous ways in all areas and depths. So very grateful for the whole CWI team. I’m honoured and full being a part of this high vibrational community. I love being a part of The Energy Vortex this way I can keep plugged in. Thank you.
– Jane
“ I feel as if every single day of this 3D lifetime in this space-reality is such outrageous success.
I never felt this way about my life, and I think this is the biggest success ever.”
– Natalia
“My shifts have been gradually, but they are there. At first, I didn’t notice them. I am realizing that I don’t think the same way. I am aware of my split energy and bring it back to alignment.
I realize more and more situations where the drama triangle is present, and I stay out of it. Imprints have been coming up for me, I process them and bring in the light. I know that I have work to do, I still think in lack, but I listen to the Podcasts, do the mediations every day, and listen to back programs to keep everything Christy and the Council teach front and center.”
– Jill
“The Quantum Light Shift experience was beautiful and so healing. I love Christy’s energy and the guidance and wisdom of The Council of Light.
I have experienced a lot of trauma, loss, and grief over the past few years (the passing of my son, a sudden and quick divorce, the passing of my Kitty, the loss of my home, the loss of my husband’s financial support, etc.) I started building my coaching and personal training business during this time. Since my divorce a year ago, I’ve had a lot of financial fear of being self-employed and self-supporting while grieving and making so many life adjustments.
Since participating in the Quantum Light Shift, I am amazed at how much my energy is shifting and how my outlook has improved in such a short amount of time. It’s miraculous! This past week I have had an influx of new clients! I am so grateful that I have found Christy and The Council! Thank you for everything!”
– Catherine
“ These Quantum Light Shift sessions support me every time in making the internal micro shifts in my focus and as a result in my energy.
Thank you Council for guiding us to bring attention and compassion to the parts of us that are limited – release the stuck energy and then receive the energy of all that we truly desire!”
– Zahra
“During the session, I felt very light and it lasted for a day or so.
Then it went back to the “normal”. I should probably have attended the healing work the day after, just too much going on at that time.
Thank you:)”
– Liv
“This Quantum Lift shift of releasing Blocks to Success couldn’t have come at a better time.
Today, I had blocks set up that changed my vibration and I was doubting my success in my new business of whether I would get clients, success at my workshops, not knowing the next steps as I had a setback. This Quantum light cleared these blocks and I raised my vibration to push those thoughts away or pluck them out and replace them with new ones that raised my vibrations to being successful as I’m divinely designed for success and I allow success!! Thank you, perfect timing for this.”
– Donna
“ I am always attending live sessions and after that, I am trying to listen to the recording as many times as possible, usually I feel the whole shift the most after a month.
I started my journey with Quantum Light Shifts in January 2023 and every single one of them up till now was extremely profound for me. I am a completely different person ever since and this was the best decision of my life. I have not yet win the jackpot in the lottery ( as I always wished for ) but having the gratitude and appreciation for everything I have will bring me to vibration that will give me everything I desire by the end of this month I can feel it already so, I owe big fat THANK YOU to Christy & The Council for helping me become the best version of myself so far I’m sending love and light love you!”
– Natalia
“In this session I had a sense of energetic road blocks being cleared away and an opening – a new pathway created with the energetic essence of success.
With each quantum light shift – the way is being shown. Thank you for clearing the way and guiding the way.
– ZD
“It truely amazes me every time I experience the releasing of any blocks of energy I have stored in my body and the releasing blocks to success was no different, who would of thought old sayings like money doesn’t grow on tree’s, that I heard from my childhood could have such an impact on my 50 year old self.
I literally felt this old belief dissolving on this light shift call and I felt my whole self aligning with success and now I know what that energy of success feels like in my body I’m able to tune into that energy of success at anytime. And the gifts that have come my way since just confirm this. I’m always so very grateful for Christy and the Council for these light shift experiences and how the wisdom and healing that I receive move me more into the fullness of who I’m here to be. Thank you!!”
– Jane
“I experienced the Quantum Light Shift a week ago, and wow how so much risen to the surface since then!
All week I’ve felt very in tune with my intuition and have been remembering old experiences and memories that I’ve been working on clearing, using the process that the Council explained during the session. I took action on something I’ve been wanting to do but putting off for awhile and it has felt very effortless. Definitely would recommend these opportunities to heal!”
– Nicole
“I am in the process of changing my career path. My mind is very clear that I want to move forward to my desired career which I intend to create.
At the same time, there is a strong feeling of worry and fear holding me back. After the class, I no longer feel the split inside me. I open up to allow new possibilities to come into my life. I was surprised to be guided to go someplace and invited for a concert all of which is free of charge!!! I love myself more, less self judgment / criticism and start seeing things in a positive way and look for solutions. I am so grateful and thank you to Christy and The Council this shift brings me so much peace and love into my life.”
– Wai
“I’m so grateful for this experience.
I is like my body vibrates on another level. It is a feeling of being connected to myself and to the universe. It is so powerful! Thank you!
– Matilde
“ This was one of the most profound shifts for me, all of them were, but this one allowed me to stay on high level frequency, despite all challenges, as this period of the year is connected with meeting people from the past that contributed to my life lessons the hard way.
As my trauma is family related, I was able to experience Christmas with joy and calmness,peace and harmony in my heart. I no longer was reactive even to the most challenging conversation. This was the most beautiful feeling so far, I can’t thank you enough.”
– Natalia
“I just love the work Christy and The Council do together, who I’ve become while working with Christy is a beautiful soul who loves life.
I’ve learned to value and cherish my relationship with myself which allows me to value with love and respect my relationship with others, especially my son ( which as not always been the case ). Behind the teachings, tools and goodness Christy shares, I have a feeling of belonging to Christy’s community, to me it is really clear how Christy feels about everyone and her honesty and sharing of her own life experiences helps and supports me to live my fullest. Eternally grateful for Christy and her team, each and everyone has been a part of my growth and expansion. Thank you! I truly have so much love for you all.”
– Jane
“My biggest shift I am experiencing after participating in Quantum Light Shifts (QLS) is moving from Worry and What’s Wrong?
To Well-being. QLS supports me in aligning with my Divine and affirming that All is truly well. Knowing I am always connected to Divine Source and always have access to my ultimate well-being. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
– ZD
“After attending the quantum shift to “increase your self-esteem”, I encountered a contrasting experience which highlighted to me, my heart of courage had been definitely activated.
I noticed when an elderly relative tried to belittle me, I deflected it strongly and transmuted it. My heart of courage allowed me to stand tall, stay grounded, recall how I am esteemed with respect and admiration by the Divine. In fact, I envisioned myself as a valuable “cell” of the Divine. I did not shrink or become distressed at the low level comment but rather I expanded with compassion for myself and my elderly. It’s through courage that you embrace the powerful Being you truly are.”
– Gloria
“#shareyourshifts moment(s). I continue to riff on how much I’m being blown away by the Council this December.
I’ve been focussing on Abundance, Creativity, and Joy (surprise and delight) these last few weeks. Little things to big things keep manifesting. I was hoping to get a new client who was taking their time getting back to me. So I just encircled the worry and doubt in light and replaced with surprise and delight…and landed them last week! I had my first gig this week, brainstorming on a new campaign and they LOVED my ideas! Nice to start out on the right foot.
Gave the same treatment to the worry of not having enough money for the holiday season and replaced it with “money comes to me easily and effortlessly”… counting up 4 grand as we speak.
Lastly, I’d been struggling with one of the authors I work with to provide feedback on her book proposal so I tuned myself into the creativity frequency and out of the blue (thank you my Stadium of Light) everything I was musing on just fell into place…and my writer is now having an aha moment and very excited about what comes next.
Living in an abundant mindset is so much more fun than lack!
Blessings, as always, to you and the Council.”
– Jane
“The healing has cleared many negative self-talk and helped me see things from a different point of view.
When I am triggered, I am able to remind myself to use the contrast as an inspiration to create what I want. Be able to stay in the essence I want while in the middle of contrast. I start to realize I can create my reality. Several months ago I set an intention that the customer I take care of can make payment. Many of their business cash flow is getting better and making payments. Some of them are able to find buyers to dispose of properties and fully settle the facilities. Thank you Christy and The Council for this powerful healing.
– Wai
“ The last Quantum Light Shift with Christy & the Council was one of the most profound experiences I’ve had with the Council yet.
And that is saying a lot as I’ve done quite a few deep experiences with the Council, including Goddess Rising and Sacred Circle of Light). The shifts I have seen, and continue to see, are profound.
First, the evening of the QLS I felt the deepest sense of peace I’ve felt in quite some time. The last time I felt this way I was away on a retreat with no phone, no TV…. This time I was living real life and felt amazing. It was almost foreign but then I decided to simply enjoy and bask in the peace.
The second major shift has been around my resistance to moving forward with new aspects of my business. I had been fighting even doing the basics and suddenly I am diving in, getting a ton done and feeling incredible hope for my future. I know…I mean I KNOW…my Divine loves me, supports me and has incredible things brewing ready to be in my 3D world.
So grateful for this work!”
– Laura
“ Today I openly spoke about healing to a stranger about how I just do what Jesus once said that we are all capable of – and more …
It was received with an open heart and smile. The lady answered she agreed. It feels good.
This I share honouring your work. Thank you.
Love and appreciation.”
– Vivian
“I experienced energy shifting during the experience & then after, I experienced downloads of clarity around certain limiting beliefs or actions I’ve done in the past that have limited me.
There was no judgment at all, just clarity and compassion & a sense of readiness to move on in love & gratitude for those experiences. I am grateful for the opportunity & community Christy has created!”
– Elizabeth
“I am amazed at how Council always has for Us the best theme in store at the right time!
Awakening to my higher mind helped me to see solutions I missed to see before, helped me to be more creative but for the most it helped me to actually stay calm in the time of contrast. Right before the Quantum light shift I was very stressed about being out of job as a single mother. As I kept on listening to the recording more and more I now started to feel that the Universe has something bigger and much better for me in store than I can imagine and by staying calm and positive (thanks to this shift) I will attract it to me very soon. My higher mind told me so I love it! Thank you Christy & the Council ️”
– Natalia
“When Christy said that this was the most powerful energy yet, she was spot on. Something shifted inside of me during the session that all previous programmes and shifts had just chipped away at.
I feel like I’m finally living, not just going through the motions. I’ve found decluttering 100 years of family possessions to be really easy for the first time. I’ve got the energy that I used to have 20 years ago and each day is a pleasure. It’s as if Vice Freedom, QEM, Divine Design, Breaking free from Drama, Energy Innermix, Super Flow and all of the healing events were just leading me to this one, amazingly powerful, Quantum Shift. So excited that the next one is almost here! “
– Shirley
“Two days after I participated in the Quantum Light Shift.
I had a profound breakthrough around stuck grief that I had been unable to release for a long time relating to loss and not being able to help others who do not want help. There is now a greater sense of openness and ease. And I can’t help but think that on some level it will help with my goals in the Becoming a Healer and Opening to Channeling course!
So grateful!
– Sharon
“I release a lot of conditional love and comparison with others.
Start seeing myself is enough and feeling connected with Soul. Less self-judgment and comfortable receiving love from others. Feeling more happy, love and support in life.”
– Wai
“My heart is noticeably softer, I feel more loving.
Yeah! I don’t know if that is since or because of the Quantum Light Shift ‘Seeds of Inspiration’ or the course Meeting and Connecting with your Guides or anything else the ascended masters have been pouring into me or all of the above, but I love it! My husband has been noticing it too. I have been wishing for and working on this for so long, I am very grateful.”
– Carina
“I love spending this time in Light with Christy and the Council.
With each Light Shift session, I know without a doubt there is a pattern interrupt to those areas within me that have not yet been able to be and live in ease and joy. I am ever so grateful for this beautiful container that Christy and the Council provide for us to really immerse ourselves in a higher vibration.”
– Zahra
“Through the healing, I am able to open myself up to experience joyful, happy feelings.
Realizing there is inner belief “I cannot have what I desire, not deserve to love/joy” is blocking me to move forward. I start to say yes to things that I love with lesser feelings and need to hold back. Learning to pivot into joy from moment to moment. Thank you so much Christy and The Council for the shift.”
– Wai
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10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417 - Scottsdale, AZ 85260