Testimonials & Reviews

Praise For



“I am deliberately designing my awesome future.

Using and practicing the 3 most powerful Universal Laws; the Law of Attraction, the Law of Deliberate Creation and the Law of Allowing

I have learned and I am still learning how to focus on what I want.

When I focus on what I want – my language, my behavior, my inspired and abundant choices lead to brilliant action that contributes to raising my vibrations super high and I attract into

my life pure joy. I love my life!”

Rachel Christie

“I highly recommend Christy Whitman’s Deliberately Design Your Awesome Future program! Using the processes and techniques Christy teaches in this course, I created my own ideal, fit, healthy body, my amazing career as a Life Coach, attracted ideal clients that I LOVE working with, and deepened my connection with Source. I manifested all of this in such an easy way because I felt inspired to do all of the things that created the success I envisioned, rather than feeling like I had to struggle to make it happen. I feel more successful, abundant, loved, empowered and happy than I have ever felt in my entire life! The exciting thing is, I can always create even more by continuing to do this program and all that Christy has taught me!”

Lisa Wilson

“I wanted to share my recent experience with you, I went through your program “Deliberately design your awesome future” class and loved how it brought me into such a fun place of thinking about and really feeling what my life would be like to live my biggest vision for myself. I enjoyed the process of getting clear about what I am wanting my life to be like in all areas, relationship, career, finances, charity, health.

Well, I sat at my desk and was organizing my paperwork when I came across my notes from the DDYAF class and was completely taken back! I was living my life exactly as I had set my intention to do so. Thank you so much for creating such an incredible program! I am so blessed to have manifested you into my life!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you”

Coby Scaccia, P.T.

“I am absolutely living my dream life right now and I owe it all to the processes I learned from Christy in the Deliberately Design Your Awesome Future Course!!

The processes where we worked with our future selves to deliberately create our ideal life in all areas, were so powerful. Within days of starting the program and beginning with creating my awesome future with regard to my body, I began to feel differently about the foods I wanted to eat, and my motivation toward exercise really increased. I felt drawn to do things for myself like meditation as well that had in the past been something I put off. And I have to say that I do have my ideal body just as I described it, even after having 2 kids. And I did this program 2 years ago!

As the course progressed with each area of focus like finances, career, relationships , social life, spiritual connection and finally your awesome life,
I just got even more clear and incredibly connected to the life that I got to deliberately design!

The clearer I got the more things just began to flow in my life and gradually all the things I wanted in my life have come to me.. And I still use these processes in my life today when I want to create something new or even just shift a current circumstance. Its really just a way of being for me now!!

I’m so thankful for this program as one of the first (and definitely not the last) classes I took with Christy, that opened a whole new way of life up for me!!

Thank you, thank you , thank you!!”

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Christy Whitman International, Inc.
(888) 551-3121 - support@christywhitman.com
10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417 - Scottsdale, AZ 85260