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Peak Performance Coaching


What separates an experience of frustration, stagnation or failure from one that’s propelled by inspiration, moment-by-moment new discoveries, and the thrill of manifesting realities beyond anything you thought possible?

In a word, alignment.

Alignment is a state of internal coherence; an unobstructed flow of communication between the physical and non-physical aspects of you. Alignment is what gives you that unmistakable feeling of being in the flow, on a roll, and firing on all cylinders. When we’re in alignment, opportunities and solutions unfold easily; almost magically. It’s that coveted state that athletes refer to as “being in the zone.”

When you’re in alignment with your broadest, wisest self, you’re more fluid, more powerful and you perform at a much higher level than when you are not. And because you’re tapped into the intelligence of the universe itself, you have unimpeded access to resources and faculties that are otherwise out of reach.

Alignment is the secret sauce behind every manifestation of peak performance – whether in the realm of business, intimate relationships, or in regards to your own level of vitality and personal magnetism. Learning how to master your own energy field is the ticket to accessing this state of being, over and over again, and in any situation.

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As a peak performer, you’ve no doubt experienced many moments of alignment in your life, when doors fly open, connections are made, and the outcomes you desire come together seamlessly.

And I know that you’ve also felt the devastation when the success you’ve worked so hard to attain starts slipping away. Perhaps you’ve run up against an external factor that truly is beyond your control: a hungrier competitor, a declining economy, or technology that’s evolving faster than you can keep pace, just to name a few.

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Most success coaches will attempt to guide you around these inevitable obstacles with strategies like positive thinking, visualization, and strengthening your stamina and self-discipline.

The idea is, the sharper you are mentally and physically, the better you’ll perform in the face of obstacles. What you need to know is that my approach, while scientifically based and results-oriented, is radically different.

Rather than coach you to become strong enough to overthrow the obstacles in your path, I give you the inner tools to return to a state of alignment within yourself, regardless of the situation you’re currently facing. I don’t just teach about mindset, or the value in being able to shift your perspective at will. I teach complete energy mastery. And when you understand these principles, you will know how to use the energy of the obstacle itself to advance your own objectives and desires.

Christy Whitman With Peak Performers Such As Anna Trebunskaya, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Natalie Ledwell, John Assaraf, Mary Morrisey, Bob Doyle, Lisa Nichols, Sonia Ricotti, Lynn Rose, Rikka Zimmerman, and many others.

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Beyond “the Zone:” Introducing Peak Performance Coaching

Contrasting experiences are a part of life, at every age, in every industry, and at every level of success. My coaching approach will show you how to use the very energy you perceive as holding you back to move even more powerfully forward. As Andy Grove, the former CEO of Intel, has said: “Bad companies are destroyed by chaos. Good companies survive them. Great companies are improved by them.”

In this X month, one-on-one, experiential coaching process, you will learn:

  • How to keep your balance and perspective in the midst of any unwanted circumstances
  • How to deliberately mine contrasting experiences for the opportunities for success they hold.
  • To release the energetic blocks within yourself that cause others to respond to you with resistance rather than cooperation.
  • To consciously transcend the fight or flight reactions that can spiral you into fear or frustration, so you’re able to see solutions and opportunities that other people miss.
  • To use every contrasting experience for its intended purpose: not to trigger feelings of powerlessness or to justify self-sabotage, but to illuminate your path to the next greatest version of yourself.

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Christy Whitman International, Inc.
(888) 551-3121 - support@christywhitman.com
10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417 - Scottsdale, AZ 85260