Praise For


“I have loved to participate in this program. I use the skills I’ve learned every day when managing my energy. Before the program, I didn’t know how to process energy when dealing with other people and how to think. Now I place the energy outside my body instead of keeping it inside and it has made a huge difference in my life. Thank you, Christy and the Council for your guidance and for sharing your knowledge.”



“I have greatly benefited from all the monthly Meditation, Energy Healing, and Energy Mastery because it led me to manifesting two of my personal requests that are closely met during the month of March. It excited me that I am flourishing, healing, feeling peaceful, and expanding to the next level. Your programs are astounding and I would highly recommended to anyone to participate your powerful programs.”



“I had been in a dark place for a while, however, after attending 30 days of QS meditation many shifts occurred and things became so much clearer to me. During and after the work with Christy I had numerous ideas for my own journey in connecting with my purpose. I am very thankful for the help in clearing my energy and how the speed of my journey has taken form in a very enjoyable way with ease and grace.”


Hear It In Their Own Words…



“Before I worked with CHRISTY, I didn’t know who I was, my life was on autopilot dictated by my culture, my education, my religion, my gender. I grow up learning to be invisible because as a girl I am not allowed to have a voice or speak up at all.

When I started working with CHRISTY, I found out about the 7 Essential Universal Laws, and when I started implementing the Universal laws, the teaching, the meditations, my life turned upside down in the most amazing way.

CHRISTY helped me heal emotionally, mentally, physically. I am reborn to a whole new person. She teaches me to get in touch with my inner self, my higher self, my emotions and release the emotions that I no longer need or want. She told me that I got the job, that I am unique, special, I do matter and there is no one else like me. I can go on and on about CHRISTY about what she did for me.

CHRISTY, there is no word strong enough to tell you how grateful I am.

With all my love from the bottom of my heart.”

Alimata Diallo


“Christy Whitman is a transformational leader, she is a great healer. I would confidently say SHE IS THE REAL DEAL.

Before I started working with Christy, I was in a mind of chaos, stuck in my past stories, in what happened to me, emotionally and financially. I experienced muscle and bone pain. After working with her, through QSCA (Christy’s Coaching Academy), I have got the clarity and the awareness of how a powerful creator I Am. she helped me shift my mind set from what I don’t want to do what I want, from lack to abundance, from fear to trust, she taught me how to release, surrender and receive. Christy’s work helped me heal my pain, I have got a real breakthrough.

Because of her knowledge, my life changed 360 degrees, I am now a confident coach, I have all the tools & Codes to help myself and my clients create the ideal life we desire.

I feel blessed and grateful for Christy.”

Jacqueline M Tabrizi


“Christy Whitman is REAL, intuitive, and brilliant at creating programs, sharing content and teaching what she herself practices and embodies from her 20 year journey in personal development by working with the 7 Essential Laws.

Before I started working with Christy I was a huge worrier, lacked trust in the Universe, and realized that I forced things in my life to occur, and though I was very successful in my career, I operated under limitations. I felt small and scared that I would live my life without dreaming of what was possible. Through the use of the 7 Essential Laws (especially the Laws of Allowing and Detachment) I have raised my vibration and now surrender and trust in the Universe/God/Goddess/All that Is and now live in a state of JOY…Just Own You. With Christy, as my coach, mentor, teacher, and having the honor of working within her company, I have learned to stand in my own power through my journey, especially as a caregiver, and instead of forcing things and feeling like a victim, I have created a state of peace with moving through illness and the transition of both of my parents, retiring from my 31 year career as a school counselor/educator into creating my life’s dream of becoming a certified QSCA life coach serving clients globally to help create ripples of change. I now live a life filled with appreciation and gratitude for my daily JOYs, the opportunity to be portable and flexible with my new career opportunities to travel and live my life to its fullest with the love of my life.”

Beth Myers


“Christy Whitman is truly amazing.

Before I had the opportunity to work with Christy I knew that I was stuck at a particular level in my own coaching business. I just knew that working with Christy would ‘shift’ me but I didn’t realise to what extent. It became very clear from working with Christy, that I had emotional and physical blocks that were stopping me from moving forward – literally! During my time working with her, I no longer have to have a hip replacement as I no longer have any symptoms due to her wonderfully intuitive healings. I feel lighter and clearer and excited about the next steps in the journey of my life, thanks to her support and unending generosity in sharing her knowledge and experiences. It has not only been a privilege to work with her but an absolute blessing.”

Sandra Stocks


“Christy Whitman is the most incredible, open hearted, genuine, trustworthy, inspiring, brilliant, generous, and loving person you could ever hope to meet, let alone have the Awesome opportunity to work with. Before I first started working with Christy as one of her mentors, I was struggling to make ends meet and working for several companies as a merchandiser. I felt so used and unappreciated during this time. When my husband had major heart surgery, I left my previous merchandising jobs and began working from home for an online company as their customer service person.

One day, shortly after I had a meeting with my online employer, I attended my first call with Christy and all her mentors. I noticed there was an incredible difference with how everyone acted and was treated on these two calls. The contrast was so amazing. Unlike the employer I was working for at that time, Christy was so supportive, inspiring, uplifting and empowering. A year later, within a month of losing my other online position, I was so grateful, delighted and excited when I was asked to join Christy’s support team.

After working with her, the financial struggle has ended, and I am truly happy loving what I do and doing what I love. Being a mentor helped me increase my self-confidence and grow in my abilities to serve on her team as I also have had the opportunity to help with QSCA launches. It was only a matter of time

before all my dreams came true and I was trained as a substitute instructor, became part of the feedback support team, and then was given my own class to teach. Now I feel totally appreciated, accepted and loved for who I am and my unique gifts, with even more opportunities to expand and grow as I continue to work with her. I am so very grateful to experience being totally supported, inspired, uplifted and empowered by her daily, everything I felt during that first mentor group call I attended years ago.”

Nada Howarth


“Christy Whitman is my teacher and coach in my life.

Before I started working with Christy, I just didn’t know about the laws of attraction. I was living life by default, believing that I was in line with life, thinking that I was feeling and doing the right thing, making the right choices, I wasn’t happy with my life and just knew that there was more than that.

After starting working and studying with her, I realize that I had been overwhelmed and completely numbed from feeling my emotions. I just didn’t know about vibrations so that I had to erase a whole lot of wrong beliefs and relearn from source , to trust and go inside myself. I had to ask the right questions and answer them in my own unique way. I am learning to say “ NO “ when it is appropriate. To see the contrast in my life as a constant reminder to go inside to ask the question “How do I feel in this moment? My life is a work in progress for the rest of my life.

Thank you Christy for being in my life.”

Laurent Sirois

Abby Ampuja

“I finished the 40 Day “Abundance Principle” course a week ago and was doing an inventory of my successes/wins–absolutely UNBELIEVABLE! I called in 17 new clients, 3 upcoming vacations, a perfect house cleaner and pet sitter to fit my needs and vision, and I am now working less hours for more money!! I can’t thank you enough for this program!! I continue to be ‘SURPRISED AND DELIGHTED’ by all your programs. Thank you SO much!”



“I came to Christy because I wanted to access energetic and spiritual principles for generating the full-time income I craved. After building a business for years and not receiving enough income to pay the bills, I was ready for change. In just two sessions with Christy, I began seeing my income increase easily and effortlessly. I feel good about how I attract money and I know it is always on its way to me now. I highly recommend working with Christy!”


Rose de Vere Hunt

“Joining the Vice Freedom meditations in January set my year off to a great start. I really looked forward to the session each day and could feel my energy and mindset shifting. As I released my vices, I also released excess weight. I love the Quantum Success Meditations (which I continue to do daily), as they help me to release any stress or negativity acquired during the day and allow me to fill up on my daily dose of divine light and joyous abundance.”


Hear It In Their Own Words…



“I have been working with Christy for the past year, going through some of the programs offered, as well as coaching sessions. The amazing process and transformation i have experienced has provided me with tools that i never would have had otherwise. The most amazing process was understanding my role in my own Drama Triangle. As a teenager, I experienced several major traumas that caused me to take on a victim role, which i have unknowingly repeated for over 40 years. Learning how i repeated the role, and what i can do myself to move out of this Drama Triangle as truly changed my life, and brought me so much peace and empowerment. Most recently, I had an opportunity to see how far I have actually come. I have a great full time job, but I also am a part time Yoga Instructor. I love teaching yoga, and all the benefits it can provide. Well, two weeks ago, the management company I teach yoga classes for changed hands. They revealed themselves almost instantly as a very volatile organization, and through an encounter, they terminated me. Just like that, complete with a phone call screaming session! Well, that was interesting, and of course my first reaction was to be a victim! I was able to see – from a higher perspective – how i was allowing myself to be a victim, thus repeating the old patterns. I did several things. First, i cancelled my plans for the evening, knowing that I would have most likely rehearsed the drama with my friends, for pity and to solidify my role as the victim. I needed to stop that. Next, i got into meditation, bringing in all the persons involved into my “circle” until i could truly see their hearts, and a knowing that anger, bitterness, and most importantly not choosing to be the victim was not the path to take. By the end of the weekend, I was in a place of peace, and love for the players of this dance. I knew that this was just an opportunity for me to see how far i have come in the amazing transformation. I was also grateful that this “test” was with something that was not catastrophic, as i would have made it in the past. Fast forward just 1 week…the company called me and ask that i come in to “discuss my schedule”. They apologized, several times, reinstated me, and actually doubled my class load. In the process, the gratitude I have for this process is the best reward. I had been provided an opportunity to test myself, test the work that i have done with Christy, and see how far I have progressed. Things will still happen, but how awesome that we have tools we can learn and apply so we can move through these situations with the best possible outcome, which is a new and better role! Thank you Christy, and all your staff, for pressing on and providing your insights to raise us up, one by one!”

Connie Collett


“My experience with Christy Whitman is that she is an amazingly intuitive healer. Before I began working with Christy, I did not feel at peace and I felt that something was missing in my life. Christy was advertising peace for entering the holiday season, and that’s when I began my healing with Christy and the Council of light. Over the past 3 months I have found that peace by connecting with my authentic self with help from Christy and her insights and intuition to uncover things that I didn’t know were inside of me. In my life now there is joy and possibilities and I recommend to anyone thinking about taking one of her programs to please give this gift to yourself, we are all worth this!”

Jill Younglove


“Christy Whitman is an inspiration.

Before I started working with Christy I did not know how to energetically shift some of the internal blocks I was experiencing or how to elevate my vibration. I separated from my husband last December and Christy’s guidance and meditations have helped me to navigate through the challenges I have been facing in many of the areas of my life and to be stronger and more centered and present for our 5 year old daughter. Looking at everything as energy and learning how to master my own energy has helped me to feel more confident and connected. I joined for the abundance meditations in December and felt a deep level of support during a month when I really needed it. I am truly grateful for Christy’s offerings and for her facilitation of connection to source energy and to ourselves. It really has been the missing piece I have been asking for.”

Anna Ewan


“I first came across Christy in 2013 and at that point, I had been through 5 extremely difficult years financially and my husband had just been diagnosed with dementia.

Prior to that, I had had a golden life both career-wise and in my personal life but once things had fallen apart, I just couldn’t get it all back. I felt that if I worked harder, I’d find the solution and get back on track but each day seemed to lump more problems my way.

I’m a competitive horse-rider and I had been playing with applying simple Law of Attraction processes to achieve better results in my riding. It sounds obvious but I eventually wondered whether I needed to stop trying harder and harder in the rest of my life, take a step in a different direction and try LOA.

That is where Christy comes in. I found her manner and explanations of LOA so engaging that I decided to enrol with her QSCA to study this further. I had no intention of becoming a coach, I just wanted to apply the principles to my own life. However, it wasn’t long before I started to see subtle shifts for the better. I was hooked and determined to become a coach.

At the end of my QSCA training, I had the great honour of being selected to mentor personally with Christy for a year. She sowed the seeds that I am still reaping many years later. My life has turned around, I’m in a great place, I feel confident that I am deliberately creating the future I want and I am able to create the essence of how I want to feel on a very consistent basis.
I have a Horse Assisted Coaching business and it is really taking off in directions I could only dream about.

It was my dream to do a TEDx talk – well, that happened last year. The successes are too numerous to list.
As I write this letter, I realise just what a great place I am in.

I am proud to be a member of Christy’s family and so relieved and grateful that I discovered her at just the right time. As with everything, it is a continual process and I still work constantly on my inner stance through Christy’s programs and guidance.

Christy’s influence has helped me create the life I want and has equipped me with the qualifications to be able to help many, many more people to do the same. Massive, massive gratitude!!”

June Burgess


“Christy Whitman is amazing, before I started working with Christy I was a lot more confused about how to manifest, I felt tired, scattered in energy, less present and less joy. After working with her I felt healing of so much negative energy release from me, I felt I attracted more business and joyful situations especially after her coaching, light body and healing with the council of light in which she channels. I highly recommend this angel to uplift your life, you won’t regret it!”



“Great bite-sized gems of information and tools to positively impact any relationship…especially in how couples can shift their communication and frame of reference from the pain created from operating in the drama triangle to being in the “circle of love.”

Kim Gore


“Finally.. a breakthrough! I was guided to let go of the resistance. I wasn’t even sure what the resistance was that I was holding on to but it was there. After tapping on it for 21 days, I finally broke free. Lots of crying and releasing and letting go.

And then I felt myself move into the joyful expectancy. Everything has shifted. I am receiving and bringing in the abundance I have been desiring! Thank you so much!”


Tracy Young

“Right after listening to the Bonus event for The Desire Factor and meditating on manifesting our desires, I sold one of my custom-made hats. It was the fastest sale that I have made in a long time. Thank you Christy and the Council.”



“I just finished the Desire Factor 4 coaching sessions with Christy and the Council. They always over deliver. The love and energy they bring in is amazing. I can’t wait to receive my book and go through the phases again. I was taught how to come back to my center and choose the energies I want like love, joy, success etc. it’s truly up to me. Thank you for helping on my self growth path. Xo”


Hear It In Their Own Words…



“I have been working with Christy in different aspects of her business off and on for a few years now. Most recently I have done her monthly healing meditations, and it has helped me with business clarity and has helped reduce the anxiety I experience from everyday life. I love waking up in the morning to Christy’s meditations, it helps me start my day out with peace and confidence, then I can face the day on purpose and with focus. Her work has helped me tremendously in my own business both in my corporate life, as well as my own coaching business because I have learned, through her meditations, how to get in touch with my higher self and soul purpose. Christy’s work helps me down to a cellular level, she has helped me learn what my soul already knows”

Christine Walker


“I’m so grateful I was connected to Christy Whitman and her programs. As a graduate of the 1-year QSCA coaching program, I was actually sad for it to end. The program was an amazing coaching program. But the unexpected surprise for me was how it turned out to be such a pivotal, life shifting program for my physical, emotional and spiritual healing during the one of the most physically and emotionally difficult years of my life. Once the QSCA program was over, I knew I wanted to dive deeper into my personal healing and growth with Christy. So I signed up for additional programs working directly with Christy. My life is very different today than it was 19 months ago because of all the amazing support, tools, processes and unconditional love that have come from working with Christy and her wonderful team. I would absolutely recommend signing up for any of Christy’s programs that speak to you. I continue to do so because I know that if I show up and do the work, my life will continue to keep getting better and better!”

Liz A


“Christy Whitman is…by far one of the most down-to-earth, loving, transformational healers/spiritual teachers that I have worked with to date, and I have worked with a very wide variety of healers and programs. She walks the talk – which immediately creates rapport and connection because she GETS IT, it’s not a “concept” for her, but what she too has lived and evolved through – this is priceless when doing this sort of deep, deep soul work. In addition, her ability to show PRACTICAL examples of all the tools allows one to IMMEDIATELY begin to use them because you can she not only transmits knowledge but wisdom (knowledge applied), AND WOW!!!

When I started working with Christy in December, I was experiencing a lot of lower level vibration thoughts, feelings and beliefs that were ready to be brought up, processed and released, but, I was very tired, full of anxiety and frustrated with how basically unhappy I was feeling in my daily life. After working with her through December and now being a part of the Vice Freedom program, I have lost 10 pounds (without trying!), seen changes that SPONTANEOUSLY started manifesting, without me “doing” it (translation – manipulating/controlling/forcing). My whole life has been about pushing, striving, achieving and making things happen (HA!), and with Christy, I’m learning to collaborate with my life partner (my SOUL), and allow the flow of Divinity/Universal Love/Spirit to flow through and with me. I cried the first time Christy/The Council shared “life partner” as being ME…..that is the life I want, and am ready to co-create! I know I have a lot of clearing, releasing and healing to continue to do, but for the first time, my life is changing and moving in ways I never believed possible.

Finally, the level of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional integrity inherent in Christy weaves its way through the glorious tapestry of her work and creates rich depth, color, vibration and health into every moment you spend with her, YOU will be changed forever! So grateful and so blessed to be a part of her programs! “

K. Ransom


“Before working with Christy I was easily irritated by noises, comments of others and often felt stressed in my daily life when coordinating my life as a full-time working psychologist/ therapist, being a wife and a mother of 3 children and building up my coaching business. During my work with Christy I realized how I couldn’t find inner peace and how difficult it was to come back to my breathing , connecting to my body and feeling aligned. After my work with Christy, I totally changed my way of seeing and feeling myself. I feel light as a feather, relaxed and trust that everything will work out fine. I discovered that thing work out much better when I let go instead of wanting to control them. I also feel wealthy in time and with money and I got out of the blue two new coaching clients who signed coaching packages for several months! I definitely say that working with Christy has been beneficial for me in many ways!”

Natalie Hissen


“Thank you, Christy, for all the wonderful work you do. I’ve known you for a plentiful 12+ years. I appreciate you so much for your teaching me to coach, listen, change my words, release my unwanted thoughts and deeds, memories, rules, habits, drama, and start healing. The many months of daily/weekly training that you initiated, and I said yes to, have greatly enhanced my life, my relationships, my work, my home and business, and my community.

Through all the courses and experiences you have offered, and I have said “yes! Me too”, I am inspired and in awe. I enjoy how you are always 100+ percent present in all our sessions, experiences, classes, events, and conversations. You are an aspirational leader, entrepreneur, and teacher.

I am thrilled to be part of this “Christy and the Council” community of like-minded people. As always, the material you and the Council present is fascinating, life-changing, and inspirational.

I enjoyed my Quantum Energy Mastery experiences, and very much look forward to continuing to put what I learned into practice in my life. It is a pleasure to be with you in the many ways you make available to all who say “yes,”: live, virtual, in books, and co-located.

Thank you again for your inspiring work.

Love, Light, and blessings.”

Sarah Langston


“Before I started working with Christy, I was at cross purposes with myself. I’d been a full-time caregiver for my invalid husband for over a decade, working full-time as a freelancer from my home office, and having more and more difficulty trying to maintain a sense of balance and fulfillment.

It felt as if the world was closing in on me and I was being buffeted about at the mercy of whatever prevailing winds blew my way.

Searching on the internet for healing and spiritual growth, I came upon some of Christy’s videos and instantly loved her style and also her teachings. With such a strong intuition that this was a person I could benefit from hearing more from, I signed up for December 2016’s program of monthly meditations.

I’ve worked with Christy for over two years now and I can honestly say I’m not the same person I was.

I’ve dug deep and unraveled old hurts/trauma. I’ve learned how to release that blocked energy to make room for my highest self.

Where before I had stopped dreaming about my future, I now can envision it clearly. And step-by-step, I’m feeling more grounded, centered, trusting, and at peace.

Through Christy’s gentle but direct guidance and a safe/nurturing environment, I’ve grown in my awareness and openness as a human/spiritual being. And along the way, I’ve learned new coping mechanisms to deal with the contrast that is part of my everyday life.

I’ve found my center, my core, and have recognized my innate power and connection to the universe. I recognize how I am the energy master of myself and, using the tools I’ve learned, I am able to manifest my reality from that place.

I am seeing interesting serendipities in my life… where once, if I had a full work day planned along with taking my husband to doctors’ appointments, and dealing with running errands, etc., I dreaded the busyness of it all … and the traffic delays and other wrenches thrown into the mix.

Now, coming from expecting the best, the universe still finds ways to surprise and delight me. Traffic might magically orchestrate itself so that I catch 10 green traffic lights in a row, arriving at an appointment early (instead of down to the last minute), or as recently happened, learning that the previous MRI patient was a no-show so my husband moved up to now empty MRI machine slot a full hour early. I am so grateful for the “me” I am now and how my life has improved… just by a shift in my thinking and behavior.

Christy is such a blessing in my life and I look forward to continuing to work with her.”

Lucie Haskins


“Christy is an amazing teacher and coach. She is so authentic—what you see is what you get. She truly cares about each person she is working with and about helping them create the life they deeply desire.

Before working with Christy, I had self-doubt about what kind of impact I could have in the world as a coach. In working with Christy and doing her meditations, I was able to connect with my Divine self and see what my higher path looks like. It was truly transformative. I am now very confident in my direction and value as a world server. Now, I enjoy the freedom, success and abundance I’ve dreamed of—and there is more to come! Thank you, Christy!!”



“I have been on a personal and spiritual growth journey for some years now, and Christy Whitman has been a major positive energetic force for me. I have benefited greatly from taking part in her Quantum Success Program, and in the Vice Freedom Program. Through Christy’s teaching and mentoring I have been able to recognize many patterns and habits of mine which are not serving me and my relationships very well, and I have been able to let go of some while continuing to work on releasing some more of them. I deeply value Christy’s total dedication from her heart to providing the best outcome and major transformations for me and her other students and clients. I am deeply grateful to Christy for all she has done for me.”



“Christy Whitman is beyond greatness, no words can describe how wonderful she is.
Before I started working with Christy I was living in a state of lack. I didn’t even realize how much I had limited my life by the little words that I was using that cut off my abundance. During my time working with Christy I have learned so many tools and techniques that have brought me to a state of allowing and remaining natural to others personalities. This is a big one for me since I have strong opinions. I have also been able to stay in peace and abundance through the meditations that are so powerful. There is so much positive reinforcement that is given that it’s so easy to follow what she teaches.”


Hear It In Their Own Words…



“I started working with Christy Whitman four years ago after suddenly losing my job after 22 years. I was devastated. I was in my mid 50’s and was struggling to find my new place in the work world. It was at this time that learned about the Law Of Attraction and discovered Christy and her wonderful courses, meditations and teachings.

Christy has a beautiful gift communicating in a very, approachable and loving way. She is deeply committed in helping you create the life that you want. I very quickly learned the ability that I had inside me to live the life that I really wanted to live and experience joy. I now have a thriving six figure career, and am living a daily life of more peace, joy and happiness.

Christy IS the real deal. Do not be afraid to dream your wildest dreams. There are yours and you can have them. And Christy will get you there!”

Amy Collins


“Through Christy the 7 Essential Laws become palpable as if she is breathing life into them, and she herself is the walking-around example for them to work, a joy to watch and follow.

The daily meditations and healings are nothing less than a blessing for me. Christy is crystal-clear, has an infectious humor, and illustrates her teachings with vivid and easy-to-get personal stories and examples.

And last not least she is an open channel for the loving guidance from the higher realms through the Council of Light, what seemingly intensifies and multiplies her healing abilities.

In deep gratitude that my way led me into her community”

Elke Ratsch


“Christy did a healing on me. Later that day I (just like Christy from the breathing exercise) was upgraded mysteriously to first class for the trip back to NY.

Now, long term something even more incredible is happening. I was having a hard time with SEVERE DAILY MIGRAINES and had an issue where my left hand was numb due to a spinal issue. The medicine my doctor had me on for years for the headaches was suddenly becoming contraindicated for my condition and making matters worse, after 25 years I was basically addicted—without the realization or even sense of it as I never thought about it or abused it, just followed instructions.

Fast forward to two months ago—new doctor takes over and is helping me get completely healthy and using the newer therapies and I feel like a new person. I also have the feeling back in my left arm.

I don’t think any of this is coincidence. I was literally saved from an addiction I didn’t know I had—and in so doing am also releasing past trauma.

I feel so grateful. Xo”

Jennifer Friebely


“My spiritual goal was to heal the source of my migraines and headaches that were plaguing me since childhood. My search quickly lead me to realize, since everything is energy, that energy healing was necessary. Healing many issues in my life, it became obvious to me that I needed deeper more powerful energy healing for my illness. I was already involved with Christy’s courses, and when I heard that Christy was going to have a live healing event in Montreal, my intuition strongly let me know that I needed to be there. I attended and excitedly had my hand up first when Christy asked who wanted the first healing. Christy healed several layers dealing with my illness until she sensed that is all the energy healing my body could receive for one session and I needed to process the healing energy. During my healing session, someone asked the question: If the source of ones illness could originate before birth? This strongly resonated with me and I intuitively knew I needed to explore this further. I used my 3 one-on-one consulting sessions I still had with Christy to heal the source of my illness. To heal all related issues to my illness, I joined Christy’s Sacred Circle of Light. After several more energy healing sessions with the Council of Light, I can now say that I am free from my illness and loving my life. I have also healed many other issues in my life that now allows me to experience more love, joy and peace in my life. Immense gratitude and appreciation to Christy and to the Council of Light for transforming my life beyond my wildest dream!”

Helma Nolte


“Working with Christy and the QSCA family has dramatically improved my life. Working directly with Christy and being part of her monthly meditations, the Sacred Circle of Life and many of her other programs, I have developed a deeper awareness of my whole being and I’ve increased my consciousness which has created more inner peace, pure love for myself just as I am and harmony in my life. Christy creates a safe environment which enabled me to work with her and the Council of Light to clear many of the blocks that have caused lifelong pain and suffering with various relationships. Her wisdom and the tools she shared empowered me to recognize and escape from the deeply embedded tentacles of the Drama Victim Triangle. Although I still encounter contrast, I am able to quickly recognize the contrast, process the energy of it and transition into a higher vibration. I’ve recently had several people recently tell me I look younger and seem different. The difference is freedom from the drama triangle and applying all the essential laws to manifest a life of amazing abundance. I am eternally grateful for Christy, The Council of Light and the many blessings that I’ve attracted into my life since being empowered with the tools that Christy shared.”

Theresa Tomasini


“My deep, deep appreciation for the 30-Day Vice Challenge, and *massive* gratitude for making available the recordings as mp3s. Thank you!

I’m 3 days behind, but awaken every morning ready to bask again in this co-creative energy of Christy, the Council, and everyone else.

I LOVE Christy’s willingness to share personal examples from her life experience, and notice how that really supports my connection with and embodiment of the wisdom downloads in this (at times challenging) Time-Space Reality we’re playing in – not to mention the feeling of intimacy, in general. So helpful!

I didn’t want to jump into a new month without expressing my boundless appreciation and BIG love to her, and for her commitment to follow the Energy… and to you all on the team for helping bring it to us.”

Sue Adams


“It’s hard to remember what life was like before I began working with Christy because I’m not the same person anymore. I’ve always been on the happy side of the scale, but I was also always aware that there were feelings of anger and fear just below the surface. I also knew, as a lifelong self-development student, that those low vibe feelings were holding me back from the life I truly want. Therapy helped work through past trauma but not enough to get rid of that critical, judgmental voice in my head. Then I found Christy Whitman and knew I had to work with her and learn from her.

As a lifelong self-development enthusiast, I was quite familiar with the Law of Attraction but still knew, somewhere, I was missing pieces of the puzzle. After working with Christy, as I said, I
feel like a new person inside and out. The anger and hurt has dissipated and I know have the tools to take care of that inner voice.

The results being: I’m building a business with my husband that is fun, fulfilling and profitable and I have healed decades old (and even generations old) wounds and transmuted so much energy that I feel a sense of freedom I have honestly never known.

No matter what challenges you may have, I recommend you allow Christy to be your guide. I can tell you from experience, she will teach you, support you and assist you with the transformation that has been waiting and whispering in your ear.

PS: Her entire team ROCKS!!!”

Sue Ellen Ewing


“I spent a wonderful year with you and the Council!

I love your “30 Days of Meditations” program: only 20 minutes a day, and so effective and uplifting and life-changing!

This year was a special one for the entire world and thanks to all the tools I got from you and the Council I was able to find inner peace, balance, strength and courage in the midst of a lot of chaos.

You were with me every single day, since January 1st, even during the months where there were no live meditations. During these months I was just relistening to past programs and they were as effective as when you and the Council were live. Even more, I would say, as my consciousness level has shifted in between.

I learned to listen to and to express my needs, to say when I feel hurt, to stay with my emotions and, probably the most important shift for me, to forgive and to have compassion. I learned to stay out of the drama triangle of my family and what was amazing for me was that being in the circle of light (so out of the drama triangle) I was able to listen to them with detachment and even to bring them some comfort.

I am so grateful for all the light you brought into my day to day life! Thank you, Christy! Thank you, Council!”

Carmen Draghici


“I lost my son to suicide who is pictured in the middle of this photo a year and 2 months before I started working with Christy. I was depressed and starting drinking too much to kill the pain so when I stumbled upon the vice freedom program I thought it is time for a change. Christy mentioned her sister had committed suicide and it felt like a good match for me to try to regain my footing. There truly are no coincidences. I made a daily practice of listening to her class, meditations and studying “A Course in Miracles” every morning. It has given me so much strength. Even my girlfriend said “Something has changed in you Heidi, you seem very grounded and solid”. I am working on my book that I am hoping will be a guide for so many other parents who have suffered our kind of loss. He was a beautiful gentle soul and this world was so hard on him. He is now truly at peace and with Christy’s and the council of lights help so am I. Thank you so much Christy, I truly believe this course set me on a new path in life. There are no words to express my gratitude.”

Heidi Smith


“There are not enough words to express my gratitude to Christy and The Council for all of the wonderful experiences I’ve had in many of the events I’ve attended. Ecstatically Blissful is how I feel.

In 2016 my husband of 25 years transitioned and just 6 months prior to that my mother had transitioned. I was really lost, lonely, angry – just so out of alignment all of the time. I had heard about Christy’s QSCA and had always wanted to take her classes but had previously always found excuses not to do it. Since I was fully on my own in 2016, I found the information about QSCA that I’d almost forgotten about and signed up for the Fall 2016 class. That was the start of an amazing journey.

I am not the same person I was 5 years ago and I can say that I’m truly looking forward to the future.

My recent experience attending the Virtual Goddess Retreat in December 2020, was another life-altering experience. I have gained more compassion, light, and love – for myself as well as for others. All I can say is – AMAZING. And I can’t really describe all of the joy that I have found being involved with a group of like-minded goddesses who are on a similar path to mine.

Thank you Christy and Council for all you do!”

Georgia Stewart


“Ali Brown brought me here! Your videos and information are so vital, it’s an astounding blessing they’re free! I’ve been a student of ACIM for years, an avid fan of Hay House authors, a devoted follower of Abraham Hicks and Gabby B., and the info you’ve provided in your book brings perfect clarity to what I’ve been trying to understand for over a decade. Very powerful insights. Thanks to you, my ability to manifest money, experiences and job opportunities has broken all barriers. I’m vibrating at a beautifully radiant level. A million thanks!”


Elizabeth Langer

“Recently I became a single mother and thanks to the support of Christy and the Council and her wonderful “tribe,” I am not only seeing my daughter begin to thrive, I am also allowing myself to find love again from a more connected and aligned place.”



“Working with Christy on the vice freedom program taught me that all my thoughts and worries are simply energy and I am in complete control of the energy in my body . therefore no thoughts or worries can actually hurt me as they are simply energy and I can ask them to leave at any time. A massive breakthrough which has brought me genuine peace of mind.


In Their Own Words…



“Christy Whitman is a highly skilled, compassionate soul who leads by example.

Before I started working with Christy I was disconnected from myself, suffering from a chronic illness and feeling like a total victim. I wanted to feel like a creator again, and yet, I couldn’t find the way back to myself.

When I heard about The Vice Freedom and the 30 day Meditations Program, I knew I had to be a part of these experiences.

I immediately started to connect back to myself and reclaim my creative power. The victim in me was rearing her head and making herself loud. Christy helped see why this part of me was showing up so loudly and how to heal that space within myself.

The journeys with Christy and The Council of Light, were extra special and beyond powerful. I especially enjoyed their teaching around energy mastery.

I now feel more capable of creating my future and coming from a place of empowerment vs. victimhood. I’ve realized that I am the one who creates the events in my life, they just “don’t happen”. Both of these programs have left me with a really powerful skill set that I will continue to practice so I can become a powerful creator just like Christy!”

Brenda Rivas

Kim Silverman

“You and the Council have been helping me prepare for my talk that I did on “What is Hypnotherapy”. I want to personally thank you and the Council for helping me along the way. The talk was last night and I am happy to share that we exceeded the room capacity in attendance (60 people). I felt excited, energized, prepared and confident going into the presentation. Without question, I attribute this “new confidence” to working with you one-on-one as well as the meditation series you have been doing (and of course all of my previous training with you).

Leading up to last night’s presentation, I could feel the Council’s presence. And at times, they clearly came through in the early wee hours of the morning (as I was awakened with messages). I am so thankful that they were with me and have helped me strengthen my own connection with my own divine.

It never ceases to amaze me of the timing that the Council’s teachings correspond to what I needed at that moment. In just February alone, this has never been truer. Just today, when the Council did a “sharp turn healing process”…perfect timing as I was in such a whirlwind after last night’s presentation. I definitely needed to regroup and reground and the healing helped to calm me back down. I loved the meditation the other day with the circles of light down our spine. I have been using that every day since intentionally activating those areas as needed. WOW, we are really expanding our learning of concepts that are so advanced that I feel such a deep privilege to be a part of.

You, Christy, rock! The Council rocks! I’m excited about what my future holds for me and the infinite possibilities that are in front of me. I have already had two people approach me asking if I would do the same presentation to other groups. I had many people signing up for my services. FYI, I did a plug for you and your book “7 Essential Laws”. Some people came up and took pictures of the book to go buy it. They might be checking out your website…I hope they do!

Love to you and the Council,”

Kim Silverman


“Christy Whitman and her QSCA Coaching program had a profound effect on my life. My Heart and my head were brought together and moved through a series of enlightenment during those days of Certification as a Law of Attraction Life Coach. As I look back at my participation in her subsequent programs, I find the Vice Freedom series is incredibly practical as well as deeply healing. Our daily journey into authenticity is is revealed and centering through Vice Freedom.

I am looking forward to her expansion into the world of a higher dimension into the Spirit.”

Rosemary Joan McDermottn


“Christy Whitman is a genuine amazing healer. I’m honored to learn from her and have transformed from having a traumatic past that kept me struggling with anxiety and depression into a healed and peaceful happy life.

Before I started working with Christy, I was stuck living in a place of fear and feeling like a victim to my circumstances. I was anxious and struggling with toxic relationships that drained the life out of me. I felt overwhelmed with stress and was constantly taking on other people’s energy and didn’t even know that I was doing that. I felt run down and had chronic sinus infections and was constantly tired.

After working with her, I now know who I am and I have learned how to recognize and release ownership of other people’s problems back to them. I have learned to drop the stress and drama and live in peace and harmony. I appreciate and value boundaries in my life and clarity in communication. I have loving healthy relationships. I value and honor myself and embrace my spiritual gifts. I have learned how to be the master of my energy and to stay neutral in conflicts. I understand my energetic boundaries and have released and healed “mountains” of stuck energy.

My life is so amazing now. I feel so light and so free. I am extremely grateful for this magnificent well thought out program with useful tools and strategies that empower me to handle life confidently. I love knowing that I am not a victim. I have choices and I have the tools to stay out of the drama triangle and can choose to live in the circle of love. This has transformed my life in amazing ways and I am forever grateful to Christy Whitman for her important part in my journey of healing.”

Rhonda Richard


“Before I started working with Christy I was stuck in a habit of feeling fatigued and distracted with streaming and playing video games on my phone. Now I recognize fatigue as a symptom that I’m feeling overwhelmed. Then, I turn to one of the many tools she taught us to shift my energy and choose an activity or task that supports my well being and abundance. I enjoyed the program two years in a row and each year I go deeper. What a great way to start the year and continue to expand and allow more brilliance into my life. Thank you, Christy.”

Jean Kathryn Carlson


“Christy Whitman is one of the best spiritual leaders of our time, she is the real deal, you can feel the Love she intentionally transmits and if you let it, it will heal you.

Before I started working with Christy I was having problems sleeping through the night and felt horrible for having ruined the opportunity of a lifetime. I quit working on my Doctorate which had been a long term dream of mine to take a job in paradise. Weeks after uprooting my family and moving to the U.S. Virgin Islands I left a handsomely paid position to return to “nothing” in the U.S. I was in a place of pain and felt immobilized.

After I began working with her I let go of the shame, this at least got me moving. After I was no longer “stuck” I was able to gain back some trust in myself. I slept through the nights like a baby and healed tremendously. I gained the courage to seek her help and she delivered beyond what I could have imagined. Christy along with the Council helped me see my own Divinity and deservedness. Once my eyes were opened up the endless pit of needing to prove myself with degrees, titles and accomplishments vanished. In it’s place was so much.”

Kashia M.


“Christy Whitman is an amazing and inspiring coach. I had the pleasure of joining her Vice Freedom Program this January. Each day during the program we were given bite size pieces of teaching and a tool that we could use while working to eliminate a vice. The teachings were powerful and unlike anything else I had heard from other trainings. I was blown away by what I learned and immediately started seeing new patterns emerging that I could understand and process better. One of the best parts for me was the stories and examples Christy shared. A lot of these were recent and it helped me understand that our work is a process that is never fully completed, yet it does get easier to navigate as you practice. So many programs promise instant and lasting relief, what makes Christy so unique is that she prepares you for your future so that when life hands you lemons you can recognize them and make them into lemonade faster and easier!”



“Christy Whitman is amazing ,she is such an authentic healer! Before working with her and the Council in the Vice Freedom Program I would often use food to numb my pain and discomfort. Reaching for sweets and emotionally eating whenever a bushwhack would arise .With the emotional clearing and many creative tools I have learned, I am now much more aware of this tendency and much better prepared to meet the bushwhacks I encounter with love and curiosity. I learned that stepping outside the drama triangle and into the circle of love, that is truly what life is about, makes all of the difference. The results have been both subtle and profound. Working with Christy is pure bliss!

With Extreme Gratitude.”

Tara Lee England


“After taking responsibility for the years of resistance between my sister and I and finally being ready to face it, I reached out to Christy Whitman. I knew this was something I did not want to face alone because it was buried deep and the emotional pain was too intense for me to even try to heal alone.

Christy invited me to one of her healing calls where she channels through The Council of Light. I was a little nervous before the session as I had never consciously communicated directly with spiritual beings before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, however, I knew I was in safe hands with Christy and I totally trusted her!

The Council of Light felt that I had many places in my body where I was holding resistance without me even mentioning it to them!

They helped me find and release the shame and guilt that I had been repressing since the age of 13 when my father yelled at me infront of my 8 year old sister. I couldn’t believe it, decades of physical pain around my solar plexus literally released there and then during the call! I had no idea that it was shame.

They also helped me find and release the energy of undeserving and regret that I had repressed and buried very deep when I tried to end my life at the age of 27. I had been pushing my sister away since then because I believed I caused her pain. The Council of Light guided me to process the emotions that I had never faced.

They helped me to release the emotional pain I had been suffering with and replaced it with light, love and gratitude which I never thought I could ever feel about this particular event.
The entire experience has transformed me emotionally, mentally and physically!

For the first time in almost 30 years I am so grateful to be alive and I have no shame, guilt or any regrets.

My relationship with my sister is healing and I feel free and safe to love her and receive her love too.

I am forever grateful to Christy and The Council of Light.

With Love, Peace and Gratitude.

Love you Christy and The Council”

Nicky Mehta


“I have had the privilege of attending 2 Goddess Rising Experiences. They have both been virtual. I have had years of struggle with my weight, health, relationships, loss of loved ones and financial issues. As the event started I had no idea that it was going to be life-changing for me. The environment is so safe and encouraging. I committed to the process of focusing on myself. Everyone feels something unique for
themselves. For me, I experienced a great amount of healing from old wounds. As a result of the first event, I lost nearly 30 lbs and recently went to the doctor’s office for a check-up and astonished the doctor on how low my lab numbers were. In fact, she wants me back in 3 months to see if they are the same. If they are, I will start going off of some of the medications I have taken for 19 years. The second Goddess event was recent but it was equally phenomenal. I can’t wait to see all the changes I’m processing. I no longer feel the extreme pain of loss of loved ones. I have a calmness and am truly feeling joy that I could hardly remember existed. To say I am truly blessed and so grateful to Christy and the Council for the dedication she takes in each and every one of us is barely scratching the surface to the depth of being grateful. Thank you for allowing us to have this healing of body, mind and spiritual soul.”

Terri Martinez


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Christy Whitman International, Inc.
(888) 551-3121 -
10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417 - Scottsdale, AZ 85260