When you have an abundant mentality, you’re looking for what is right versus what is wrong.
And we all know those types of people – we may know them personally or intimately (meaning ourselves) – who go into a situation where there could be ten things that are really great, and maybe one thing that is bad or something you don’t want. And that one “bad” thing is exactly what you focus on. That’s why I wrote the book Perfect Pictures as my very first book. It’s about how we’re totally focused on trying to create what’s perfect. In order to do that, we look for the thing that’s wrong, we focus on that, and we try to change it to make everything “perfect.”

Again, with the Law of Attraction, what you focus on expands. So even if you notice all these great things in your life, but then you notice this one bad thing and you start focusing on it, you’re going to literally shift your vibration from abundance to lack.

So it’s important to watch and know – are you a person that is focused on what’s right or what’s wrong with any given situation? Are you in a relationship? You could be in a relationship with a really great guy or woman – are you focused on all the great qualities about this person? Or are you focused on the fact that he or she didn’t do the dishes? Or that he/she didn’t give you a compliment? Or that he/she didn’t do whatever it was?

So it’s really all about where you are focused. That’s number one.

The second thing is that there are two sides of every subject. So there is enough, and on the other side, there is not enough. This is a big one. So again, are you focused on the things that are abundant in your life and that you have enough of, or are you focused on the lack of them?

Abundance accounts for everything: love, time, money, whatever. Are you focused on the fact that you don’t have enough money or are you focused on the fact that you have enough right now?

Are you focused on the fact that there just isn’t enough time? Or are you focused on the fact that you do have enough time, but maybe you just need to organize yourself better? It’s really the perception and the way you look at things and the way your mind automatically starts thinking. Most of us are brought up from our parents, socialization, etc…you know, that whole environment with the lack mentality.

And so, when you can really start catching yourself shifting from these lack to thoughts of abundance – what is right and that there IS enough, then you’re going to totally see a different shift in your outer reality.

The next one is a big one for most people. I will say, one hundred percent or at least 9 out of 10 people, when I privately coach them, their biggest issue is getting to that space of “I am enough.”

And that is the space of abundance – that “I am enough.” And the lack part of it is “I am not enough.”

So when you come from a place of “I am not enough,” who you are is not enough. You are not thin enough, you are not rich enough, you are not good enough, you are not “whatever it is” enough; you’re coming from a lack mentality.

And the most important relationship – the most important point of focus that you have – is the relationship with yourself. And if you can get that right, and start feeling that who you are is enough, then your whole entire world is going to flip completely upside down.

Now, I will tell you that this is not something that is going to happen overnight. It’s not like you are just going to think now that “I am enough” and everything changes. This is something that you will probably have to work on, and retrain within yourself, on a daily basis.
One thing I do want to mention about this is that you are all on a spiritual path, which means that you are on a spiral path – nothing in this life is linear. You don’t go from point A to point B and maybe have an issue about not being enough, and kind of work on that issue and go, “Okay, now that’s done.”

You literally are on a spiral path that moves upwards. What I mean by that is: imagine that you are walking up a spiral staircase, and as you are going up, you may hit a certain point on that path, such as “I’m not enough.” And as you go up, you’re hitting it again, but you’re hitting it from a more elevated place. You’re hitting it from a place where you now have different tools and processes to deal with it.

Maybe you feel bad on some level within you, but now you’re feeling it at a deeper level. So even though you’ve hit that before, “I’ve already felt that and now I’m enough,” and then you hit it again, it’s not for you to beat yourself up and say, “God, I thought I already did this, and now I’m back at square one?”

It’s a matter of knowing that you’re just hitting it at a different level; you’re hitting it at a deeper level. And you’re hitting it from a different place now that you’re more abundant. Now that you’re being programmed and trained to be more abundant, you can come and hit it from a different place.

I will say that when you start to expand (and this may be happening for some of you) any place where you have any type of darkness or unconsciousnesss – or any type of lack for that matter – it’s going to come up and it’s going to scream loudly at you because you’re in the process of releasing it. And so, in order for it to be released and for the abundance and the light to come through, obviously it needs to be released. So the way it becomes released is if it comes and shows itself to you.

So while you go through this process, I want you to be really, really easy with yourself and kind to yourself. And if something comes up that you’re noticing is going to sabotage you, or you’re being cranky, judgmental (or whatever you want to call yourself), and you notice you’re in a bad mood…just really connect with that and go back to that place of, “Am I feeling like I am enough?” Start with the core of who you are and really start feeling.

It’s like going from lack to abundance. If you’re feeling like, “I’m not enough,” get in that feeling place of, “What would it be like if I did feel like I were enough? What would it feel like if I really were valuable?” Really get into that space and feeling like,”You know, I AM enough!”

Because I will tell you this: there is nothing on this planet that can add to you to make you more of who you are. You are enough. And it’s been said by many, many spiritual, high-level beings that have walked the planet that there are about a thousand souls who want to take a body, but obviously only one gets that body.

So simply because of the fact that you are here in a physical body, you are enough. And that’s all you really need to know. If you get that, then you know you are enough. You got the job, you’re here, this is your play. You are here to create what you want to create, this is your life to live, and it’s a very short life in comparison to how eternal our being is. And if you can just get that you are enough and start feeling that you are enough and that you are valuable…once you get over that “Oh, I’m not enough” type of thing…then everything else flows.

Everything is about perspective. Changing your perspective will change your life. If you are resistant to sharing love, time, or anything you have with others, then you are in a space of lack. This perspective can always be shifted easily when you focus on abundance. Focus on what is right versus what is wrong in your life. That is the difference between an abundant mindset and a lack mindset.

I did my Goddess teleseminar and went over by 10 minutes. Someone emailed me and said, “You told us it would only be 60 minutes,” and she was upset. Then I had an email from someone else who told me, “Wow, you gave so much more than you promised you would!” What is the difference? Perspective. One was in lack, focused on what was wrong. The other was focused on abundance and what was right.

Remember that every subject is really two subjects, and it is always your perspective of what makes it so. Change your perspective and your world changes.