I’ve been getting so much positive feedback on the meditations, and I’m so happy they help you to start your day on a positive note and keep you in flow, feeling like no matter what happens during the day, you can handle it with ease and grace.

On today’s Quantum Success Show, we’ll continue with your practice and I will take you through a meditation to help you release negative thoughts and beliefs.

You’ll release any negative thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you … meaning they are no longer helping you in any way. This could be a belief that you have had about yourself or about money or relationships or it could be other people’s thoughts.

Either way, you will come away from this meditation feeling like a burden or weight has been lifted off of you and you’ll no longer have these negative thoughts and beliefs weighing you down and keeping you from what you desire.

Thank you for watching and please leave me a comment and let me know if this meditation is helpful to you.

