We all have our moments where we don’t find enough motivation to carry through the day. Let us snap out from that zone and find more energy with this Feeling Energetic Meditation. If there is any part of you that wants to feel more energetic and alive, then allow Christy to guide you through this meditation. Feel your guides, your higher self, and all the fairies of the universe. Allow them to take you to health and vitality as they slowly unfold the path of your heart and make you commit to having a life that works for you.

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Feeling Energetic Meditation

Feel Yourself And Your Physical Body

This particular meditation is called feeling energetic. If there’s any part of you that wants to feel more vital, more alive and have more energy throughout your day, you’re going to love this meditation. I invite you to close your eyes and join me. Start to feel yourself and your physical body. Allow yourself to take some deep breathes in on three counts. Take one, two, three as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Find a rhythm to your breath on the three-count breathing in and three-count breathing out. As you start to breathe in, start to think of the energy that you want to attune to. Think of the energy and the light that you want to bring into your physical body. As you breathe out, imagine that you’re breathing out any energy that you don’t want. Feel your guides, feel your higher self and feel all the fairies of the universe, all the angels, all the great ones and all the beings of light that are here to assist you on your path on this journey.

Just know that all of you and all of them are here working with you at an energy level throughout this journey, holding you as a focus of energy and vitality. They’re working with the part of you that does not have energy and assisting the master who will join you so that you may have a life that is vibrant and alive and full of energy. Imagine that you are sitting in a beautiful meadow. Go there in your mind’s eye. See yourself in a very safe and protected place and begin to breathe more deeply and relaxing your body even more. Move your head ever so slightly and raise your upper chest so that the energy is flowing at the back of your head and neck. A great deal of physical vitality can be created by opening the flow between your head and your chest, allowing the energy to flow through the back of your neck. This is an area that when the energy is flowing, it can stimulate physical vitality.

Begin to open your breathing from this place and notice that you can bring in light with each breath in. As you sit in this beautiful meadow, you can feel the breeze upon your face and the sound of the birds. You can see the clear blue sky. Smell all the fragrance of nature all around you using your imagination. Maybe a few butterflies drift by. Feeling the aliveness of the Earth, the love of nature all around you, the harmony and the flow of nature and beginning to relax your body even more deeply. It’s letting that sense of serenity and tranquility permeate your entire body. Just surrendering and trusting that the universe is perfect and that everything is always working out for you. Feel that sense of letting go of anything that you don’t want to think about. Let all your cares drift away at this moment. You’re in a special meadow now where everything in your life is serene and tranquil.

You’re going to invite into this meadow that part of yourself that doesn’t have the energy or doesn’t have as much energy that you would want and that you would enjoy having. This part of you is trying to do something for you in the best way it knows how. Imagine that up in the distance, there’s a small part of you that sometimes is called the sub-personality that’s coming towards you and greet it warmly. Invite this part of you to come closer to you. Without judgment, notice what does it look like? How old is it? How is it dressed? Notice the demeanor and the way it walks and the way it approaches you. Send this part of you great love and acceptance to let you know it’s trying to do something for you and that you know that. Ask this part what it’s trying to do for you and what gifts it’s trying to give you.

You may hear an answer now or it may unfold later when you’re going about your day. Listen and speak to this part of you. Ask this part of you if it would be willing to take your hand and journey with you to a nearby mountain, to the top where you will show this part of who you are becoming in a new vision of who you are. It’s where you will work together with a master of physical vitality to change the way this part helps you. When this part is ready and it always is because it’s here to support you and your life, imagine that you’re walking or flying or even dancing up to the top of the mountain. There is no time and space in this mountain. See yourself at the top with your sub-personality and you’re now looking out. Your view has expanded. You can see from miles. Show this part the expanded view of your life. Show this part of you, who you desire to be, what you desire to have and what you want your life to look like.

Turn to this part and show this part of you, the sub-personality, a picture. Just telepathically show a picture of how you want to feel, how you want to get out of bed in the morning full of energy and how you want to feel as you go through your day. Show this part of you a vision of yourself full of energy and then ask this part of you thinking of the good things it’s trying to do for you by not having enough energy. Ask it if it will be willing to find new ways to give you the same thing, to be creative, new things and new ways of being that will give the same gifts. You will also have energy and vitality all throughout the day. Imagine that a master, a great being of light, is now joining you at the top of the mountain. This is the master of physical vitality and well-being. This master is now on the top of the mountain with you and is approaching the two of you. You are asked to sit in the master’s presence. The master will show you in his own being the energy patterns of radiant health and vitality.

Simply by sitting in the presence of this master, some of you may just need to use your imagination. You might see him or her, others of you might feel him or her, using your imagination. Simply sitting in the presence of this master at an energy level, your energy will begin to take on the patterns of greater vitality and energy. It will start resonating at the energetic level of this master and that sub-personality that you’re working with will also begin to work in new ways. Feel and absorb the physical vitality of this master. Feel your energy begin to glow with health and vitality. Before you wake up in the morning, call upon this master every day. This master will broadcast to you the patterns of perfect health and vitality. As you’re laying in bed and you’re waking up, imagine that you’re calling in this master to transmit and broadcast this energy for you. This master is asking you, “Are you willing to commit to feeling energetic, to doing whatever it will take to release and to allow into your life new things that will assist you in this?”

Go Into Your Heart

To feel energetic is to have a strong commitment to a life that works for you. Energy comes when you are following your heart and when you are doing those things that nurture and are loving to you. The master is showing both of you a doorway. On the other side of this doorway is a life that works for you. It’s a life that’s filled with energy as you follow the path of your heart and make a commitment to yourself to having your life work for you in a way that supports your well-being. Go into your heart, put all of your focus and your attention drop from your head all the way into your heart. When you’re ready, see yourself walking through this doorway. Picture yourself on what your life might be like at this new level of light. On the other side of this doorway is a life that works. Even if your life is working right now, maybe there are aspects that are not.

On the other side, imagine that the aspects of your life that are not working is now working better than you can even imagine. The master is asking you to come from your deepest wisdom now. Is there anything you need to change in your life that does not serve you or that is taking from your energy? This master is holding a focus for you so that you may see more clearly what is nurturing to you in your life and what is not. Are you carrying the burdens of anyone else that are not yours to carry? If you’re carrying anyone’s burdens, take them off. You might symbolically imagine that you’re lifting them from your shoulders and turning the responsibility for making this person’s life work over to this person’s higher self. You are now free to focus on your own life.

As you focus on your own life and take away the burdens, you have more energy to serve and to be there for other people in a different way. The master of vitality is holding a focus of light for you right now and asking you to look within. Are there any changes in your diet, your exercise or your lifestyle that will contribute to your well-being and your energy if you were to change or add or even take something away? The master’s light looks clearly at what you’re learning from having less energy than you’d want. What are some of the payoffs? What are some of the gifts that you’re gaining from this? Say to yourself, “I now release anything that is not from my higher good.” Any thoughts, any beliefs, any situations, any people, any forms or objects. “I now release anything that’s not from my higher good and I ask them to release themselves from me. I let go easily knowing that something better always comes after everything that I release.”


Say that to yourself again, “I now release anything that is not for my higher good. I let go easily knowing that something better always comes after everything I release.” Say to yourself, “I open to receive my higher good in every area of my life and I thank the universe in advance for sending it to me.” From your heart, give out a big huge bubble of gratitude for the universe for sending you all the higher good in your life in every aspect of your life. Know that every single situation you’re in right now, even though it may be hard or you may be struggling or there may be parts that are difficult, all of this from the soul’s perspective is a gift. It is teaching you something. It is expanding your divine inside of you.

When you send gratitude, it changes the situation. The master of vitality is now standing in front of your sub-personality. This part is getting energetic healing and is becoming more and more beautiful and more vibrant. It’s growing up. It’s becoming wise in the master’s light. It’s full of energy and enthusiasm. See this part of you changing in the light of the master. This master is now turning this part of you into a symbol of vitality and health of well-being and aliveness. Put this symbol in your heart and let it radiate light throughout your entire body. Feel how your body is changing by putting this symbol into your heart and all the light that’s being added to each and every cell in your body. Every single cell in your body, every atom and every molecule is changing and going to a higher level of vitality and well-being.

The master looks at you and has a message for you about how you can have more energy. Receive this message and receive the energy. It’s simply sending you energy by showing you the patterns and holding you in the master’s focus of light, the patterns of well-being, energy and health to receive the transmission of energy and light from the master. Feel all of your energy coming to a higher order as if you are glowing and radiating light from within. The molecules and atoms are beginning to rearrange themselves in your body to take on a greater fineness and more ability to hold and radiate light. You are able to see clearly now to have a life that works for you as your priority to love and nurture yourself. As you begin to wake up a bit and come back into the room, you will have many insights about how to feel more energetic. You’ll have many more moments of feeling energetic and they will increase in your life every day.

As you start to come back in your awareness of the room that you’re in, imagine that you’re standing in a waterfall of light that is permeating every cell in your body. Allow yourself to drink in this waterfall of light into your body. You will go through the day with this waterfall of light all around you, inside your body, outside your body, living now in the light. Get revitalized with this heightened sense of well-being. As you think of the master and allow the master to fade away knowing that you can call upon this master at any time, start to come more fully back with the awareness of the room that you’re in. Each day I need to give affirmation. The affirmation is before you open your eyes.

I’d like you to repeat it to yourself, “I deserve love and I open to receive it.” Feel yourself opening to receive love from yourself, inside of yourself and outside of yourself and from all the beings of light. Say that to yourself again, “I deserve love.” Feel that in your body. Feel that you do deserve love. Feel how that feels saying that to yourself and claiming that I deserve love and I open to receive it. Anything that we want in our lives, we have to be able to open to receive it. I deserve love and I open to receive it. How does that feel in your body to claim that you deserve love and to feel your body expand to get into the receiving mode of receiving the love that you deserve? Say it one more time before we open our eyes. I deserve love and I’m open to receive it. You can go ahead and start coming back in the room, opening your eyes, wiggling your fingers and your toes, and have an amazing morning filled with light.


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