Christy explores one of the most important law among the seven essential laws: the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance. She gets in touch into the spectrum between the two and why one goes with the other. Find where the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance lies in you. Are you tilting over to one end or are you sitting in between in perfect balance?

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The Law Of Sufficiency And Abundance


Often, I talk about the Seven Essential Laws. One of the most important law is the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance. It’s not just the Law of Abundance. It’s the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance. There’s a big spectrum of on one side you have lack and on the other side, you have abundance. In the middle, that doorway that starts creeping you into abundance, that’s the space of sufficiency, satisfaction, positive aspects, the enoughness. If you’re in a space of it’s not enough, you’re on the side of lack. If you’re on the space of it is enough, no matter what it is. The love that you have, the money in your bank, the career that you have, even if it’s not the end-all-be-all thing that you love for the rest of your life. If you’re sufficient, you’ll find the positive aspects and when looking for more, getting excited for more, you can create more because you’re in the realm of abundance.

The law that ties all of the Seven Essential Laws together is the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance. What do you do? I have a whole program called Watch Your Words. It’s yours for free, complementary. Go to What you say, what you write down or what you even think in your head, everything that doesn’t feel good, that’s not enough is on the realm of lack. You cannot attract abundance from a place of lack. When you get in that middle place, when you at least feel satisfied, you feel that it’s sufficient. There are positive aspects, there’s enoughness, then you can start creating and magnetizing and manifesting from that place because you are then in the realm of abundance. What you say, what you think, what you write or what you contemplate will become.


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