Channeling & The Council

Solar Eclipse Q&A With The Council: Align And Connect With The Energy Of The Solar Eclipse
The Council answered a question about the solar eclipse happening on Monday, April 8th. This Q&A will help you utilize the solar eclipse for your benefit, even if you do not watch it happening live.

Harnessing the Empath’s Power
Empaths can sense and feel emotions as if they’re part of their own experience. It is a rare gift that some even consider as a curse because you pick up on everyone and everything, making it very hard to function in life. In this episode, Christy Whitman shares...

Behind The Scenes With Christy For The Healing Event and Women’s Retreat in Sedona
Hey.... Watch below to see what I'm up to. And, how YOU can be a part of it all. Want an energy upgrade and join in on the fun? Email Beth at You are infinitely loved! Christy & The Council

The Council Speaks on Current Events…
I wanted to get this out to you, because it’s really important information for the state of affairs that people are experiencing right now. They were asked... Since the Fourth of July, I have been trying to formulate how to succinctly express myself in a “brief”...

Healing Love and Light Meditation
A lot of people are feeling stressed these days. I have a special healing meditation that will provide love and light for you. Enjoy! You are infinitely loved, Christy
What is Channeling – Meet The Council
I am often asked, "what is channeling and how did you start doing it?" This episode of the Quantum Success Show will answer those very questions. And, more! You will be able to see the clip where The Council came through me. “We ARE Here!” is what “The...

Outer Limits Radio Interview
I was recently interviewed by Ryan McCormick of Outer Limits Radio. We discussed how everything is made up of energy. And how sometimes the negative energy we’re holding onto creates pain points and blocks, preventing us from feeling whole and happy. Sometimes, we...

How To Understand What Your Anxiety & Worry Are Telling You
Unpack your anxiety. From a nagging feeling of discontent to a paralyzing panic attack — while unpleasant to experience — these sensations and symptoms of anxiety are messengers that arise in body and mind to impart valuable information. Understanding worry and...
The Quantum Council: What To Do with Negative and Toxic People
The Quantum Council: On What To Do with Negative and Toxic People Channeled by Christy Whitman Getting bummed out by negative or toxic people is a very common experience. Here’s how it generally goes: You’re flying high, in a great mood, and great things are...

7 Universal Principles for Creating Change
7 Universal Principles for Creating Change You realize that the way things are, and the ways things have been – whether for the past two months or the past two hundred years – is not the way you deeply desire them to be. And it really, really hurts. Your pain may be...
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