I am so excited to share with you today The Law Of Pure Potentiality. This is a fifth essential Universal Law. It is important because this law is based on the fact that the true essence of who you and I are is pure consciousness.

When you’re in alignment with this law, you feel centered and at peace. When you know the truth of your being, you really know who you are and that you are an extension of Source Energy. You then know you’re able to fulfill any dream, goal, or desire. 

Today’s show includes a mini-workshop, so grab paper and pen. 🙂


Everything is energy and all energy wants to move, to create, to play, to expand. So when we realize that our own inner being, that very breath that is breathing us, that spirit self that animates our minds and our bodies, that part of us that is life force is one of pure potentiality, meaning it has the potential to be created into anything. And when you understand this, you can take whatever you don’t prefer, or what I like to call contrast and you can flip it and understand that the polar opposite is really the pure potentiality.”” ~Christy Whitman