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Something that few Law of Attraction practitioners understand is the fact that manifesting our desires occurs in distinct phases.  Pre-manifestation is its own phase. Then there is the phase of manifestation in which our desire “pops” into our right-now reality.  And finally, there is the post-manifestational phase, where what we once dreamed of is now part of our everyday experience. 

Why is it helpful to understand these 3 phases of manifestation?   Because there are certain pitfalls that we must be mindful of at each phase of a desire’s becoming.  And, because each stage also offers strengths and advantages that we can maximize to more rapidly manifest the outcomes we want.    

A wise and seasoned deliberate creator understands both the advantages and pitfalls of each phase of manifestation.  The coaching tips that follow will help you realize your desires faster and more effortlessly by maximizing the 3 phases of manifesting.

To Maximize the Pre-Manifested Phase:  Cultivate Faith 

Pre-manifestation is the first phase in the manifesting of any desire.  At this point, you’re acutely aware that you want something, but have no idea how – or if – it will come about.  In the pre-manifested phase, there is no evidence to support that the outcome you want is actually underway.  

At this first pre-manifested phase, your desire is especially vulnerable to doubt and disbelief.   A newly hatched desire is like a tiny seedling that’s just sprouted from the earth.  In order to thrive in this beginning stage, it must be protected from potentially damaging elements.  This means you must do your best to shield it from criticism or disbelief – both from others and from yourself.  Pessimism is like poison to a newly hatched desire.  Whereas faith brings life-giving nourishment to your dreams.  

Faith, as the bible tells us, is a force that can move mountains. It’s the secret ingredient that calls us powerfully into action. Faith fills us with certainty and enthusiasm, whereas desire drains us of life force.  And in the most practical sense, whether we experience faith or doubt comes down to how we apply our focus.   

Cultivating Faith 

To cultivate faith in your un-manifested desire, decide to think more about where you’re going than to dwell in where you’ve been. Choose thoughts that are good-feeling and hopeful, that inspire rather than depress you.  What are you supremely thankful for?  What can you imagine unfolding in your future that causes you to feel gratitude right now?  Choose to believe that the best is yet to come, and remind yourself that you are worthy of seeing your visions fully actualized.  And finally, whenever you feel doubt or despair creeping in, remind yourself that faith is a matter of directing your focus.  Faith is what moves your desire along through each of the 3 phases of manifesting.

To Maximize the “Pop!” Phase of Manifestation:  Cultivate Allowing  

The second phase of manifestation is that exhilarating moment when your desire “pops” into 3-dimensional reality.  What was once a dream or a faraway goal is now an up-close part of your experience.  The “pop” phase of manifesting any desire is that moment we all dream about: It’s when you get the callback from the prospective employer.  It’s the day you learn your offer was accepted on the new house.  It’s the rush you feel when you lock eyes with your soulmate, and are filled with certainty that he or she is the one.   

Of the 3 phases of manifesting a desire, the “pop” phase is the shortest in duration, but it’s also the most intense.  To cooperate with the unfolding of your desire at this stage, you must cultivate a state of allowing.   

Once a new desire has been born within us, there are only two basic positions we can take in relation to that desire.  We can resist its manifestation into our lives, or we can allow it – and therefore magnetize it – into being.   Allowing is our natural state.  It’s the way we’re all born when we enter the world.  In a state of allowing, we are pliable, receptive, deserving and open to every possible expression of well-being, abundance and joy.  

Resistance comes in many forms.  It manifests as doubt and disbelief, or as fear or a belief that we’re unworthy of having the very thing we’ve asked for.  

The process of a desire bursting into being is a lot like the birthing of a baby.  The more relaxed and allowing the new mother is while birthing, the faster and smoother the process can unfold.  Likewise, in the second of the 3 phases of manifesting desire, do your best to soften your resistance and increase your allowing.  

Cultivating Allowing 

To cultivate allowing, reassure yourself that you are, in fact, worthy of creating this expanded experience.  Cultivate it by consciously letting go of resistance, and by acknowledging the evidence of ease that’s around you.   Your breath can be a tremendous ally in helping you to allow the easy manifestation of your desire. After all, breath is literally the vehicle that allows life force energy into your body and mind.  Breathe deeply in this second stage of your manifesting desire, and as you do, feel yourself opening to receive.   

To Maximize the “Post” Phase of Manifestation:  Cultivate Appreciation

The energy of appreciation vibrates at one of the highest frequencies in all of the universe.  And it’s one of the most attractive energies we can cultivate. The act of appreciating all the blessings you’ve already manifested in your life keeps those blessings coming.

What you appreciate literally “appreciates” in your experience, which is to say, it becomes more.  Appreciation is the lifeblood of every relationship or enterprise.  When it’s lacking, not only does our joy begin to fade, but our manifestation may vibrate right out of our experience.

Cultivating Appreciation

To invite more of the life-giving energy of appreciation into your life, allow yourself to notice and acknowledge the good that is all around you.  

As you look around your life as it exists right at this moment, you will realize something truly important.  You are living experiences today that were once realities you hoped to one day manifest.  The home you live in, the relationships you now have – all of these have progressed through the 3 phases of manifesting.   

When you stop to think about it, there are so many aspects of you and your life that are already going amazingly well. And the fact is, most of these sustain themselves with absolutely no effort on your part.  Take a moment out of each hour of your day to consciously appreciate all that you have already manifested in your life.  

Faith, allowing, and appreciation are the states of being to cultivate in order to consciously cooperate with all 3 phases of manifesting.  


The Desire Factor Bonuses


Christy Whitman is an energy healer, Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance.  Her latest book, The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power is on sale now at www.thedesirefactor.com. Christy communicates with, and for, The Quantum Council, a collection of non-physical ascended masters who desire to help humanity understand that we are divinely designed for well-being, abundance, success, and loving relationships.  You can take the first step in alignment and creating your desires by a free 30-day program called Watch Your Words by going here: www.watchyourwords.com.