have what you desire

There is one simple reason why you don’t yet have what you desire:  

You’re directing more of your creative energy toward wanting it than toward imagining yourself already living it.    

And the reason for this comes down to a fundamental misunderstanding.

Most people equate the desire to have something with the experience of being without it.  For example, “I don’t yet have what I desire, but once I get it, I’ll have it.   In other words, we regard the having of our desires as a future experience, once we’ve made our way to our goal.   

Sounds reasonable enough, right?  

From a strictly material standpoint, maybe, but from a metaphysical or energy-based understanding, this approach is entirely backwards.   It places our happiness “out there” in the future, accessible only after we’ve attained the result or manifested the outcome.  And as a result, it completely strips us of our joy and power in the present. 

Having is not a future destination.  It is a present-moment experience.  

The notion that having is a future destination, or something elusive that we must search the world to find, is wholly and completely vibrationally inaccurate.  The fact is, having what you desire is an experience that is available to you right here, right now.  Because the moment you conceived the desire, it was yours. You had it in consciousness, and consciousness is the birthplace of all things. You received the desire. It is now yours. You are literally having the experience of that desire, in whatever state of becoming it’s currently in.  You know that what you desire already exists, because you can feel the presence of it within you. 

When we transform the experience of yearning into the experience of already having, our desires manifest with ease.

Here are 3 steps to making this essential vibrational turnaround. 

Step 1. Redefine “having” in vibrational – not material – terms.   

Think of something you desire to have – whether it’s a gorgeous home, a high-paying career, or a harmonious, passionate relationship.   Now notice that there are two distinct aspects of this desire.  

The first is the objective condition you’re seeking to create – the house, the relationship, the money, etc.  And the second is the way you believe having those conditions will make you feel.

If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll discover that what you are really seeking is the feeling.     

Perhaps you desire a relationship because you believe in it you will feel wanted, loved, important or secure.  You desire a bigger house because you believe having that desire will cause you to feel empowered or inspired.   You want a lucrative career because you think the money will give you a feeling of greater freedom.

To transform yearning into having, simply accept that the feeling of having your desire is available to you, right now.  

Nothing in the outer world needs to change in order for you to feel greater inspiration, empowerment or freedom.  Because feelings live in the domain of thought, mood, and perspective.  And these things are as easy to influence as changing your mind.  Simply make the decision to experience greater freedom, for example, by acknowledging all the ways you are already free.  

Right now, you have the freedom to deepen your breath. To stretch and move your body.  To expand your mind through reading or writing.  And, with regard to having your desire to create more money, you have a certain degree of freedom also.  

You can choose when or if to spend it. You can choose to view what money you have through a lens of appreciation or through a lens of scarcity.  And how you exercise this freedom will determine how much of your desire you allow yourself to have now.  

Step 2:  Acknowledge that all things are in a process of becoming. 

The moment a desire is born within us, the vibration of it creates a ripple effect that reverberates through all of the universe.  Like a rock dropped into a still pond, the resulting waves will eventually make their way to the shore.  And in the same way, once a desire has taken up residence in our consciousness, there really is no stopping its continued evolution. Unless we do something to block it, that desire will continue to mature into its full becoming. 

To have what you desire, simply allow yourself to experience joy for having given birth to the desire in the first place!  You have planted within the field of all possibilities the potent seed of your desire.  So trust that it’s just a matter of achieving the right season and climate and it will bloom fully.  

The following energy mastery exercise will shift you into greater faith that you will eventually have what you desire:

Look around your life right now and take note of all the things that have already manifested.  For example, the home or office where you’re reading these words, or the vehicle that transported you to wherever you now are.  

What you’ll realize is each of these manifested realities were once an unmanifested desire.  And because you nourished it with your energy and attention, it continued to evolve and become more. 

All things in the world of form begin in the formless inner realm of desire.  Recognizing and honoring this process of becoming gives you instant access to having what you desire.   

Step 3: Act as if you already have all that you desire.    

To make the shift from wanting to having, bring yourself into 100 percent solidarity with already having what you desire.  Carry that resolve with you everywhere you go, even when no one else around you can see it.  

This may seem like a tall order, but chances are you’ve already done this in some significant area of your life. 

Think back to a time when you were completely committed to a manifestation, even in the face of contradictory evidence.  Because it really mattered to you, you were unfazed by others’ criticism or even by self-doubt. If you could replay your behaviors during that time, you’d see that you were purely and powerfully acting as if.   

Acting as if having what you desire is a foregone conclusion is an incredibly powerful stance you take within the universe.  It’s resolving within yourself not to deviate from your vision, or give one ounce of airtime to any unwanted scenarios.  When you achieve this level of steadfastness and focus, you can easily manifest what you desire.  Acting as if channels all your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy powerfully in that same direction.   And once you’ve invested your powerful creative energy into that outcome, the universe simply must provide it.

The Desire Factor Bonuses


Christy Whitman is an energy healer, Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance.  Her latest book, The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power is on sale now at www.thedesirefactor.com. Christy communicates with, and for, The Quantum Council, a collection of non-physical ascended masters who desire to help humanity understand that we are divinely designed for well-being, abundance, success, and loving relationships.  You can take the first step in alignment and creating your desires by a free 30-day program called Watch Your Words by going here: www.watchyourwords.com.