rebalance your energy


As you know, we live in a vibrational universe and are broadcasting and receiving energy every moment of every day.  So it stands to reason that the energy we bring into any relationship or situation has an enormous impact on the outcomes we create.  If our mood is low and our energy chaotic, all the actions in the world won’t yield a satisfying result.  Because our energy is what creates, not our action.   These 3 principles will help you rebalance your energy, so you can manifest the experiences you most desire in life.

Energy Balancing Principle #1:  Acknowledge that connection and alignment are your natural state. 

Balancing your energy begins with a simple acknowledgment that connection, not disconnection, is your natural state.  It is your Divine birthright to be connected, supported, provided for and inspired by the Source that created you.  This is nothing you have to work for. It is your natural state that you can easily return to any time. 

Balancing your energy is not a goal you have to struggle to attain. It’s simply a process of letting go of the misaligned energy that’s keeping you from your natural state.   

Rebalancing our energy begins with acknowledging that our goal is to simply return to our natural state.  If we lose sight of this, we may approach our desire to balance our energy like we do other goals.  And when we work too hard to find alignment, we introduce struggle and frustration into our vibration, which is counterproductive.  So think of your rebalancing practice as an unwinding or a process of surrendering into your natural state of connection.  

Energy Balancing Principle #2:  Set aside time each day to release anything that’s blocking your connection with your higher self.

Here is a quick practice you can do in 10 minutes or less:

Begin with the intention to tune out the noise of the outer world so you can tune into your inner world.  Silence your phone and remove any distractions in your environment.  Then close your eyes, and begin to gently scan the different layers of your being:  Your physical body, your mind, your emotions, and your aura, or energy body.  

As you become connected with your inner world, begin to ask yourself, What self-care ritual would help me release tension and strengthen my connection with my Source?  Then make a note of any insights you receive and build 1-2 of them into your day.  That’s it!

At different times you’ll hear different things, depending on the state of your energy field.  And if you don’t receive any clear or specific insights, consider this list of go-to energy balancing rituals:

  • Taking a walk
  • Dancing to music
  • Going for a drive
  • Soaking in a hot bath with Epson’s salts
  • Sitting outside in Nature
  • Deepening your breath
  • Playing with a pet
  • Listening to music
  • Drinking a big glass of water
  • Taking a shower and breathing in the negative ions

Experiment with each of these and notice their ability to alleviate stress and tension and support the natural raising of your vibration 

Energy Balancing Principle #3:  Align yourself energetically to whatever outcome you desire to create. 

This principle is rooted in the understanding that the energy we bring to every activity is equally – if not more – important than our action.  

This means that you want to be mindful of and deliberate about the energy you bring with you when you pick your kids up from school.  Pay attention to the mood you’re in when you start a home project or begin your workday.  Choose the thoughts you’re dwelling on when you go to dinner with your spouse with purpose because all of these affect the energy you carry with you. And your energy matters, a lot.  

What you’ll discover is rebalancing your energy need not take a long time. 

Just a few moments of closing your eyes, taking some deep breaths, and connecting with the best possible outcome you wish to create is enough.

As you’re practicing these principles, think not just in terms of the outcome you want to create – the effective work meeting, for example.  Think also about how you want to show up in the process.  What qualities or characteristics do you want to bring forth into the next part of your day?  Which of your strengths and capacities do you want to energize and activate with the powerful lens of your attention?  

Pre-paving your intention ahead of time rebalances and aligns your energy with whatever outcomes you most desire to manifest. 


The Desire Factor Bonuses


Christy Whitman is an energy healer, Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance.  Her latest book, The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power is on sale now at Christy communicates with, and for, The Quantum Council, a collection of non-physical ascended masters who desire to help humanity understand that we are divinely designed for well-being, abundance, success, and loving relationships.  You can take the first step in alignment and creating your desires by a free 30-day program called Watch Your Words by going here: