We are finally starting to see evidence of spring in Montreal. The snow has melted. The ducks are flying back north. The birds are singing.

Spring is such a beautiful time of renewal. It is a great time to clear out what is no longer needed so that we can bring forth what we now want and desire.

And this is an important part of the manifestation process.

There is a certain attachment that most people have to people, places, and things even though it may not continue to be in our best interest to hold on to them. A large part of manifestation is letting go of all that is no longer in alignment. And when we don’t consciously do this for ourselves, the wonderful and amazing Universe can take care of it for us.

The relationship that no longer serves us suddenly is changed, and we find ourselves single again. Or the job that no longer served us, suddenly is no longer there. Or a friendship that we felt was not quite right, suddenly is not a friendship anymore.

All of these situations (and more) are opportunities to not look at what we lost or had to let go of, but to bring in what we do want.

Each and every time I had a difficult situation in my life, such as the suicide of my sister, the end of an eight-year relationship and marriage, and the loss of a job, I made sure to look at what I did want to create in my life. Since this “thing” was no longer there, it was an invitation for something new to come through.

This is also true with our emotions and beliefs. When we can let go of a pocket of energy that has been there for years which represents anger, frustration, disappointment, or any other lower level emotion, and we finally release it, it yields to a new energy that we can then bring into our lives.

It is a spring cleaning that can take place, and we just have to decide what we want to replant in its place.

So what are you letting go of this spring, and more importantly, what are you bringing in?

Remember that every time you let go of something—it could be a feeling, an old belief, or a physical thing—you make room for something new. Detach from the old. Let it go and be free from it. And bring forth with new energy and a new vibration what you want instead.

What seeds are you planting?

Here is a video that I have watched over thirty times. I am Italian and if you have been watching any of my shows or videos, you see that I speak with my hands. I can see myself at two years of age sitting at the kitchen table speaking to my grandmother. Enjoy!!!

The boys watched this with me so many times that they started to talk like bisnonna too.

As always, in this newsletter, there are teleseminars, resources, affirmations, and meditations to help you on your journey to empowerment.

Have an amazing month and know that you deserve everything you desire and more!

Imagine and enjoy,

“Your outer reality is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.”

Ninja turtles “Having fun as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Easter.”A day in the life of Maxim.

I recently attended my teacher, Karen Lamark Wilson’s Spectra Retreat for Women and you can see from my face how amazing it was. These women are so beautiful and have deeply touched my life.

This is the group of EMAC (Energy Mastery for Advanced Coaching and Advancing Consciousness) graduates that also attended The Spectra retreat. It was an amazing feeling to graduate as a Master
Law of Attraction Coach and Energy Mastery Coach

Alex performing.

Practicing the ninja moves.

Ninja moves at its best.

Alex was a bit hyper at lunch one day and I taught him how to breathe to calm down.

Smarty pants, Maxim.

This is a bit longer of a video, but so worth the time. The boys enjoy pre-Easter candy. This is the life.